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SLV - Latest...

Posted by bobwren on 1st of Jul 2015 at 09:18 pm

 We shall see what happens. Been doing on the down for while now.......


$Silver - Latest...

Posted by bobwren on 30th of Jun 2015 at 11:48 pm

  Good, hope it keeps diving.  Im avg in all way down.  No way in hell is it going to stay there.  Short interest is huge!  Article the guy wrote, VIA breakpoint makes all since in world.  He stated that England was going to run out in sept or Oct.

   He also stated that the price is so artificial booming that it should be a crime that the big traders can have such a impact on true price of a commodity. 

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Posted by bobwren on 11th of Jun 2015 at 12:49 pm

So  am a bit confused. Last notes commentary said to sale at market this morning, which I did.

 Trade was OK as I got on at 209.09 out at 211.49.  So if a change happens in the a.m. that should have kept us in the trade after lasts nite letter said to sale at market. How were we to discover that first thing? 


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