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Posted by arl3080 on 4th of Jun 2008 at 08:06 am

RP--Dylan--I remember UNG too--I bought and sold like you guys--I made $$ and moved on--Its nice to think about trades like that and if I had held

I used to think gee if I held that or this--years ago..I trade today and once Im out of a position I dont look back or care.I figure I can always go back in the trade later on or anytime

Had the same problem with

June 1 Newsletter

Posted by arl3080 on 1st of Jun 2008 at 11:24 pm

Had the same problem with 2nd update but was able to hear a few min..Dont go by me--this machine etc is a piece of SHIT

RP--"tough game we are playing

Posted by arl3080 on 30th of May 2008 at 10:50 am

RP--"tough game we are playing here "

You got that right--you,dylan,docO--great traders--always enjoy seeing your comments

Havent done much recently--still holding my CNX short--been very busy with my family business.As soon as I get some free time I will start trading again

Always look to see what your doin





Posted by arl3080 on 27th of May 2008 at 10:16 am

Micheal--did you mean Pittsburg? or is that an Italian fast food joint Pittsa-burg

WE ARE IN NY--Notheast Bronx--on


Posted by arl3080 on 20th of May 2008 at 03:24 pm

WE ARE IN NY--Notheast Bronx--on the Westchester County line.We are lookin to build more space--eventually we will liqudate eveything,built by ARL INC


Posted by arl3080 on 20th of May 2008 at 02:50 pm

Dylan--I know your in real estate--I just signed a 10 year deal with NYtel--aka Verizon for 65,000 ft and I am 100% rented with over 240,000sf

NYTel has been with us since 1965..Im not shorting real estate


Posted by arl3080 on 15th of May 2008 at 11:25 pm

Doc---not just this administration--the way they report has been like that for years-THAT HAS TO BE CHANGED---gasoline declining? seasonally adjusted??-Basically--its all f-----d up

The rise was less than their "seasonally adjusted" numbers called for, they book a decline. I think I will buy some of the "seasonally adjusted" gasoline. LOL

How True

Posted by arl3080 on 14th of May 2008 at 11:54 pm

RP--funny you mention this"" don't worry about that "big headed" thing.  every time i have a string of winning trades and start to feel a little cocky, Mr. Market never fails to remind me who's the boss, as he so graciously pops that little cloud i was riding high on"" I mentioned something similar to this a few posts back

Always the case--If I get too cocky--the market takes care of that--and quickly..Mr Market is always on the prowl for cockiness--lol--Thanks for posting that


Posted by arl3080 on 14th of May 2008 at 11:47 pm

RP--Exactly!!""i'm sure most realize this but sometimes i look back at stock i posted because i loved it yesterday but hate it today"

Yesterday I sold DUG-breakeven--today I watched it and bought it back at a better price--where it got to the possible target someone mentioned on the blog--28.50-29 area.I bought it at 28.98--Previously bought at 29.46--sold at 29.50--Anyway,I hated it yesterday but love it today--lol

I think my timing is better today..Anyway added to my short CNX position yesterday for a better avg price and am close to breakeven today..Thinking I will make a nice profit with this short--Missed a few good shorts--SOHU, RIMM, ENER--just concentrating on short oil


Posted by arl3080 on 13th of May 2008 at 11:41 am

My original 29 target on DUG gonna get hit---I sold DUG today for a breakeven--still holing CNX


Posted by arl3080 on 13th of May 2008 at 06:43 am

Micheal--"arl - I'm noting your posts about RIMM, etc.  Admiring your patience, something I need more of.

Yes,it works for me but I dont have it all the time,I noticed over the past year or so when I do have and employ patience,my trades work much better..I have had some good calls recently and that I believe was with patience..I am following a few stocks now including SOHU again(short of course) but I just wont jump into them until I really feel confident.If I miss a trade--it bothers me--but I will catch another one

Micheal---" I like the slow like the

Posted by arl3080 on 12th of May 2008 at 09:57 pm

Micheal---" I like the slow like the slow Stochastic 60 that Matt came up with very much -- its quite useful. ochastic 60 that Matt came up with very much -- its quite useful ." I like that alot too--very useful..I would look at Renko too except I follow P&F's but if others want to follow renko--all well and good

Dont ask me what I just did above,I was trying to hilite it.Anyway


Posted by arl3080 on 12th of May 2008 at 09:49 pm

RP etal--I just couldn't pull the trigger on RIMM today--but will look to short over todays hi's should it get there tomorrow(will be a daytrade or two) 139ish would be a first target.The oil shorts and DUG--still holding---like watching paint dry--BORING


Posted by arl3080 on 12th of May 2008 at 02:34 pm

Still watchin RIMM--may short over the 142.50 area should it get there--will post


Posted by arl3080 on 12th of May 2008 at 12:09 pm

Lookin to short RIMM--around 141 area--will post if I short it

Target 135ish area,maybe a bit lower



Posted by arl3080 on 11th of May 2008 at 03:07 pm

Matt--ur right- it is trying to bottom--but there is always the chance we hit 29 or bit lower

DUG etc

Posted by arl3080 on 10th of May 2008 at 07:15 pm


Many thanks -- I'm appreciating your ideas about direction and levels on stuff

Your always welcome..For my last post tonight....A few months ago I was in a funk--couldn't seem to see anything--did a few daytrades here and there--JAN-FEB were great,MAR--couldnt get out of my own way--APR started so so and then took off into MAY..I am hoping this continues for a bit longer--LOL I always respect the markets and I remember to never get cocky Because they will humble me

I am always on the blog seeing what other traders are thinking and doing,,If I see something interesting--like DUG and OIL..I will follow it and try to fine tune it..If not I look at several charts different stocks different sectors and try to find something that I would like to trade--and then fine tune that

I have a three stocks that I am watching( fine tuning) now and they may be ready soon but when I think they are ready I will post, one is IBM--not ready yet..I missed FEDEX short--concentrating on oils and dug for now

Catch you tomorrow--have a great evening


PS---When/IF DUG gets to my target---I am gonna ask MATT---he's great with targets and if he thinks we got more room I will stay with the trade or may book some profits and hold the rest




Posted by arl3080 on 10th of May 2008 at 06:33 pm

You know what I would like to see? Oil up on Mon DUG--drops makes new lows--just under 29 or whatever BUT by the end of day it closes on the highs of the day UP over a buck from Fri--sort of like a key reversal day..Then the trade works over the next 5 or so days and gets to my target  Oh well I like to dream--LOL



Posted by arl3080 on 10th of May 2008 at 04:16 pm

I think I will be right again--My timing was a bit off but like when I posted my SKF trade--I felt confident that it would work but it went against me as my timing was off.I bought at 93.80 and posted my target as 99-100..Imagine it just took a week to get there and then 104-105..Anyway there is the chance(good) that DUG will visit 29 and a bit lower..I forget who but another member posted a downside target of 28.50-29---Of course there are stops there but I will just buy more..Like I said,I wear my daytrader hat most of the time(very short time frame) and that messed me up with skf..I would have normally been out of DUG with nice dt profit BUT not this time

Of course you know that there are no guarantees in life especially with the markets but I put my best analysis into this and have been following it since it was on the blog and I didnt buy it when the BPener gave a buy because I felt that it was the FIRST bounce after a decline and another test would come and we would hit the 28.50-29 area--we didnt--yet anyway so I sorta got faked out.Anyway,my target on SKF was conservative so it is on DUG too

When I find a good trade I usually post it--most of the time its a day or two trade UNLESS I say Im gonna hold this like I did with DUG CNX etc

Always the Best to you in your trading





Posted by arl3080 on 10th of May 2008 at 03:48 pm

davetrader--DUG gonna work--could be a bit more downside(Mon) BUT IMO--the trade will work


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