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Posted by arl3080 on 8th of May 2008 at 01:00 pm

RP--WOW--sometime I can call it right on--and sometimes I cant get out of my own way

I reshorted RIMM yesterday and I thoght the trade would work--I was working on emotion

Greed--not techincal-- I was able to wash it--no profit no gain

Anyway SKF got to my target 99--see my posts--and SOHU did too

Correction in the shorts coming

I never make$ on GREED or when I get too cocky


Posted by arl3080 on 8th of May 2008 at 10:14 am

RP--My target in SKF was hit--too bad I didnt stay with it

Still following RIMM and looking at GS--short


Posted by arl3080 on 7th of May 2008 at 01:56 pm

RP covered my RIMM at 131.76--over 2.20profit---and this time I didnt quibble about 10 cents--I just shorted it--and my timing was pretty good too

Good Luck with POT and your other trades--POT will work


Posted by arl3080 on 7th of May 2008 at 01:11 pm

RP--I think I caught the hi of this move around 132.98--still holding--today may not be bad after all--LOL


Posted by arl3080 on 7th of May 2008 at 12:07 pm

RP--I still may short it but thats when I make a bad--or poor timing trade--sort of chasing it---I always prefer the stock comes to me---will let you know if I trade it but if I do it will only be a scalp type trade not 1-2 points-I missed that

But I am looking at Steel---X now


Posted by arl3080 on 7th of May 2008 at 11:57 am

I always have S&R in my mind as I watch it but sometimes they push it past those points..I was gonna do a mkt order I rarely do a limit--unless I want out...Lots of times--having traded different instruments over the years--you just get a "feel" watching the stock---I gotta watch a stock for a bit--I just cant look at it and say thats the price---Im sure you get a feel for a stock watching it--right or wrong....Of course I cant be right all the time


Anyway--its down to 132.15--I was lookin for the stock to be unchanged on the day so I would have waited--OH WELL back to the drawing boards((trading boards-lol)

Now I get pissed cause I gotta watch something else and I had the right call


Posted by arl3080 on 7th of May 2008 at 11:37 am

RP--you watchin RIMM drop--DAMM!!!!!--by 8 cents!!!!!


Posted by arl3080 on 7th of May 2008 at 11:32 am

RP--Always,the best on your trades--RIMM missed my target by 8 cents--reminds me of my target on XLE--good but just missed it yesterday--always a few cents short--anyway still gonna short RIMM--now I gotta determine where

Anyway,want Rimm for a daytrade but may end up holding it--should I get it


Posted by arl3080 on 7th of May 2008 at 11:07 am

RP--Lookin to short RIMM above 134.20--should it get there

Did you get any XLE short--I didnt--didnt get to my revised target just over 85

I was also watchin CTRP--for a short--figures I didnt short it around 70--figured it would pullback and rally one more time--well it didnt--It will rally but I dont want it anymore


Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 10:39 pm

DOC--Im gonna follow SRS closely--thats gotta be a great trade in the near future and I like the volatility too


Wishful thinking of DUG

Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 10:37 pm

hellocsz---Just a wishful thinking.--I DONT THINK SO---we should bounce from there at least and that was my target area on DUG below 29--gotta wait and see

Interesting comments


Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 04:16 pm

DOC--you can imagine how I felt with my short on MOS-after earnings--I was down BIG bucks with 1000K..It got to 143 from my 129

Boy was I relieved--I gotta thank RP cause he was short I think POT and I was following that and his chart points on POT--Well he was right on in his call....

Lets hope I can do the same thing and my call will be perfect


Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 04:09 pm

DOC--I entered my order after the close incl ext hrs to short XLE at 85.02 Will enter again after 8pm for tomorrow morning pre market


Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 04:03 pm

RP--We got good Res with XLE up here but my thinking is a quick move up--maybe tomorrow morn(hoping to 85) then pullback then another final move up which could possibly take it to 86

OR we could see a pullback from todays hi's then another and final attempt--JMO--could be wrong but what do I know--lol



Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 03:56 pm

DOC--thanks--Dont frett u will do well with DUG..Now it gets a bit tricky for me with XLE BUT I am gonna take a position at 85 SHORT

I missed the steel--X--but normally I would get all p--- off BUT think we will see a bounce on that

Its tough to find these trades then you gotta wait,wait etc.I generally dont have patience

So when I find one and then miss it--ANNOYING


Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 03:44 pm

RP I will let you know But I still gonna wait for earnings on CRM..If I miss it then so be it--Im not sitting through what I did with MOS--But this one will drop Im confident..If I dont catch the top then I will look to get some meat out of it someway..Well I missed X but not really its oversold and Im lookin for a bounce to short it

XLE gettin to my target--

DOC--Hang on we are gettin there with XLE think we get a drop then another rally--of course setting up lots of non confirmations--DUG below 29 revised was a good target--look at a P&F chart on XLE--daily--interesting


Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 01:46 pm

RP--Lookin at CRM to short but not now--cause earnings next week---but should this one move higher on earnings---then I will short it silly--just following it for now

Still waiting patiently for XLE and still have my eyes open on X


Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 12:35 pm

Doc--I dont think we are too far from the xle top but I think it wants to go back to the old hi

and when stocks usually get there they make a new hi--sometimes marginally sometimes more--its way over done but just ask me about MOS--I thought that was overdone too but XLE is no MOS.DUG may drop to below my lo 29 area but in my opinion that should be it

Anyway,what do I know

Im not afraid of missing it--I should be able to catch it unless I get other distractions in my business


Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 11:52 am

Doc--the chart pattern on XLE is clear--double top---fuzzy at best for X



Posted by arl3080 on 6th of May 2008 at 11:50 am

Ok Doc I agree---Im like a kid in a candy store who cant make up his mind on what to buy(SHORT)--lol

Think steel looks ok to short but I prefer XLE


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