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SRS 15min . fwiw

Posted by airstream on 19th of Mar 2009 at 03:12 pm

Nice Chart   thanks for shareing

Live charts

Matt,  Is gold and the etf gld now on a ...

Posted by airstream on 19th of Mar 2009 at 12:32 pm

That would be Huge Matt if we could follow you  real time useing the same tool so to speak.    Can't wait  


Posted by airstream on 16th of Mar 2009 at 12:55 pm

SRS holding very well in an up market    

Thanks Matt and Steve     You guys are the best


SRS 15 min chart.png I hope some of you caught SRS, ...

Posted by airstream on 13th of Mar 2009 at 12:17 pm

I am in SRS as well and am very close to a   swing trade buy signal on my own charts   SRS above 67.50 should do it with a target of 84.00

SSO on truggered list?

Posted by airstream on 13th of Mar 2009 at 06:39 am

Matt I heard you mention SSO in a nightly update  this week  and yesterday I saw it on the triggered list. When I went to the chart there is an  out of date chart and no comments ?    


Beware ETF dividends

Posted by airstream on 13th of Mar 2009 at 06:35 am

Excellent heads up on Profunds . Does anyone know about possible distributions on Pro Shares .  I wonder if SRS  could possibly get hit with a large distribution.


SRS 15 min wedge

Posted by airstream on 12th of Mar 2009 at 02:17 pm

Thanks Matt     I jsut set it up in my stockcharts  


SRS 60m.jpgSRS 60m dynamic fwiw...

Posted by airstream on 12th of Mar 2009 at 12:02 pm

Thanks Fehro   All my charts for SRS are on the bottom . Yours as well   Are you buying?

SRS Dynamic chart

Posted by airstream on 12th of Mar 2009 at 11:47 am

Matt   since Dr O  and many of us trade SRS how about adding a dynamic chart to the list    Thanks   

SRS Chart

SRS 60m.jpgfwiw...

Posted by airstream on 11th of Mar 2009 at 11:38 am

Your SRS chart is playing out nicely so far the bounce off your green support line @ the 67.00 area   Thanks for shareing  


Posted by airstream on 10th of Mar 2009 at 12:27 pm

Anyone looking to enter SRS long here?



Posted by airstream on 5th of Feb 2009 at 10:19 am

Good Morning   Dr O    I am in SRS and looking for advice from you on placeing a stop here on SRS   It moves so fast  I dont want to give back all my gain.


Wave 3 down

H&S on 30min measures to about 745!

Posted by airstream on 4th of Feb 2009 at 03:17 pm

  Interesting   My wave 3 target is 747.88


Posted by airstream on 4th of Feb 2009 at 02:31 pm

Is Dr O in today I would like his thoughts on SRS 

Sell Off

Posted by airstream on 4th of Feb 2009 at 02:26 pm

Starting to look like a waterfall    IMHO

S&P 832 level

Posted by airstream on 4th of Feb 2009 at 02:12 pm

If we loose 832  I believe the sell off accelerates IMHO 



Posted by airstream on 4th of Feb 2009 at 01:35 pm

I just looked at Matt's 10 Minute dynamic chart and It is exactly what I see . We now start a wave 3 down  to the 747 area on the S&P   IMHO



Posted by airstream on 4th of Feb 2009 at 01:30 pm

That low is for final wave 5  Target for wave three is 747.36 and the chart is a friends and he prefers not to distribute it. Sorry



Posted by airstream on 4th of Feb 2009 at 01:13 pm

Sorry I did not respond sooner  just got back .  My count shows a top of wave two at 845.37 area and we start wave three down . My final low 704.67 by March 4  FWIW


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