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No SPY movement toward close

Posted by Walt on 27th of Sep 2022 at 03:48 pm

No SPY movement toward close - Really very surprising!   I would have bet on big up or down.

FYI, there is SARK, which

Short ARKK Updated View

Posted by Walt on 18th of Aug 2022 at 11:04 am

FYI, there is SARK, which functions as a short to ARKK as well

a better caption response would be "I thought I was Short children?!?"

No, the opposite, I am saying that this rally is weak and very UNLIKE the powerful big Bear Market Rallies that take your face off.

Does anybody know if Nat

Posted by Walt on 7th of Jul 2022 at 03:46 pm

Does anybody know if Nat Gas and Wheat and Corn prices listed in the securities we trade are GLOBAL or US ONLY?    Does news and an event in Europe, Russia, or China effect the price of UNG, WEAT, BOIL???     If the entire crop of Wheat in Ukraine is not going to reach Europe, does that change WEAT?    I know we are focused on technical analysis and charts here, but you have to admit that you cannot completely ignore all fundamentals.  Does anybody know?

Bear Market Rallies - in

Posted by Walt on 7th of Jul 2022 at 03:38 pm

Bear Market Rallies - in my experience and humble opinion, most big Bear Market Rallies are explosive and Fear of Missing Out, which sure does NOT seem to be the case here in July, as the DOW meanders up a one-two-three hundred points at a time.  Just seems weak and we we have lots of earnings coming very soon which are likely to include many warnings on Q3 and Q4 estimates.  My 2 cents.

The US Export Facility explosion caused US Nat Gas to go down 16% and Europe Nat Gas to go up 16%.   Key: does what Russia, Urkraine, China, Europe do or do not do related to UNG, BOIL, KOLD, etc... ????

Question: are Wheat and Nat

Posted by Walt on 30th of Jun 2022 at 11:35 am

Question: are Wheat and Nat Gas prices for the securities we trade "international" or "only USA"?    For Example, when the Nat Gas export facility had explosion, Nat Gas dropped (in US) but Nat Gas went up in Europe (facility importer).  Since the long securities we trade went down dramatically, this leads me to believe these securities are based on JUST USA PRICES, when I thought they were Global??   (maybe each country exchange has their own prices and indexes.)   explanation of us and Europe effects

Ok, SPX tagged 3800 to break resistance line.  Is it a Bull Trap fake?

SPX attempting 5th attempt to

Posted by Walt on 22nd of Jun 2022 at 02:01 pm

SPX attempting 5th attempt to go above 3795 (sees like weak attempts and volume) (looks like bear flag??)

SPX 3Min and 5Min Looking

Posted by Walt on 22nd of Jun 2022 at 01:44 pm

SPX 3Min and 5Min Looking Like Bear Flag

Yep, all a bit wider


Posted by Walt on 14th of Jun 2022 at 03:51 pm

Yep, all a bit wider now:)

SPX 3min -  2 False

Posted by Walt on 14th of Jun 2022 at 03:46 pm

SPX 3min -  2 False Breaks on Wedge Trendlines = 1 False Break Up to 3763 that then fell back into the muck, 1 False Break Down to 3705 then back up to the muck : )    Dang tough environment.

When I edit a post, why does it add all the HTML crap?  (but then it disappears)

SXY 3min Only A Meager

Posted by Walt on 14th of Jun 2022 at 03:02 pm

SXY 3min Only A Meager Bounce to 3763 - - - I guess I need to draw a bigger Bull Wedge : )

SPY Supports?, I am only

Posted by Walt on 10th of Jun 2022 at 10:09 am

SPY Supports?, I am only seeing previous May lows 3875 (2x), 3859, and 3810 (big one)??

what is "NQ" and what

NQ 30 min support lower down..

Posted by Walt on 9th of Jun 2022 at 03:31 pm

what is "NQ" and what is that a chart of??

Is the last 30 minutes

Posted by Walt on 6th of May 2022 at 03:58 pm

Is the last 30 minutes of buying every day mostly Short Covering (nobody wants to be short overnight or weekend)???  Getting very predictable.  Why?

why would the VIX not have reached 38-39 on a day like this?

any ideas?  It just seems like teflon.


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