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yes watching it also it

VIX hanging in there. Green now

Posted by RP on 1st of Dec 2020 at 10:33 am

yes watching it also it stays green and mkt up we may rollover..the funds putting money to work 1st of the month..mkt long in the tooth.

So been thinking on this

Pfizer Vaccine News

Posted by RP on 18th of Nov 2020 at 08:54 am

So been thinking on this vaccine if 99% of the people who get the wuhan recover how does that skew the results from the test and they say 95% effective..

yep we have become the high tech banana republic never thought i would see the day..watching GBTC getting close to a weekly sell on my charts steve commented in newsletter last night we get a pullback think i will jump in. they ever get options on gbtc look out...

like i posted yesterday SLV will move more SILJ as well GDX up nice pre mky

so on the news this

Posted by RP on 13th of Nov 2020 at 08:49 am

so on the news this morning elon musk was not feeling hot was tested 4 times during the day and two test negative and two test positive for wuhan ..his comment something not right with these test..once again a cluster on testing..........

i posted last week i

Posted by RP on 12th of Nov 2020 at 10:01 am

i posted last week i was selling half my call postions in IAU and SLV i also stated i thought monday we could see a rollover based on my daily chart we should be sideways ot down another day or two. i bought back my calls monday near the lows and added silj and gdx calls also long vxx puts an added and iwm puts. i think silver will out perform gold and i think we will get moves like we saw last week and monday and will catch folks off guard but once the move is made will leave folks behind anyway we shall see .

Matt thanks for recognizing our

Posted by RP on 12th of Nov 2020 at 09:54 am

Matt thanks for recognizing our veterans lots take for granted what they have sacrificed...

also would appreciate adding SLV and GLD in the daily updates and weekend newsletters most trade those not futures and can follow with live charts links

picked up vxx calls and

Posted by RP on 6th of Nov 2020 at 09:40 am

picked up vxx calls and iwm puts

i have 60 min sell

Posted by RP on 6th of Nov 2020 at 09:18 am

i have 60 min sell and the daily topping right here on gld and exactly same on slv i selling half my position look to pick it up on a pullback . daily should kick in by monday.

yep have 200 call contracts on it feb. exporation nice day yesterday 2.50 strike in the money

all my gold /silver stocks

Posted by RP on 5th of Nov 2020 at 10:23 am

all my gold /silver stocks iau and gld rockin ...we took out 1941 game is on for big move longer term cycles now enforce.

looks like just barely...all gloom and doom after hours on cnbc

You as well Steve wild an wolly week..

JO on the move...

Posted by RP on 30th of Oct 2020 at 12:08 pm

JO on the move...

so much for that idea

ATVI looks like a long now...

Posted by RP on 30th of Oct 2020 at 10:23 am

so much for that idea ..

ATVI looks like a long

Posted by RP on 30th of Oct 2020 at 09:32 am

ATVI looks like a long now...


Posted by RP on 30th of Oct 2020 at 09:31 am


XLE fired up and RUTH

Posted by RP on 29th of Oct 2020 at 03:50 pm

XLE fired up and RUTH also TECK trading decent

RLGY nice move ..also AGI

Posted by RP on 29th of Oct 2020 at 03:30 pm

RLGY nice move ..also AGI as well


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