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steve your daily chart in

Posted by RP on 21st of Sep 2020 at 10:20 am

steve your daily chart in newsletter we broke below you hav updated chart? thx

looking for 1900 on gold

Posted by RP on 21st of Sep 2020 at 09:47 am

looking for 1900 on gold it breaks possible test of lows ...

nice 40k at the open

Posted by RP on 21st of Sep 2020 at 09:46 am

nice 40k at the open dumped 100 puts on iwm and 150 calls on vxx will watch 

i posted 2 days ago

Posted by RP on 17th of Sep 2020 at 09:13 am

i posted 2 days ago the larry williaams 22 years in a row winner on short 9/17 thru 9/22 i sold gld and gdx and went long vxx and short iwm puts surprised it held up at close yesterday the qqq seemed to be the better play we will see . gold may retest its lows here we shall see.

thanks steve i get it on its my call appreciate your input i was leaning that way as well.

still long cbay up nice

Posted by RP on 15th of Sep 2020 at 03:16 pm

still long cbay up nice long gld and gdx still......sold dell this morning on push up took nvda and bynd off on the big up moves last week. long lots smaller gold stks off trade ideas. picked up vxx start position. larry williams has a trade he said will be on 9/17 - 9/22 it is short spx and it has been a winner 22 years in a row. matt saying samething here so starting to look at getting short.

matt /steve would we get

Posted by RP on 15th of Sep 2020 at 03:00 pm

matt /steve would we get more bang for the buck shorting the QQQ or IWM vs the SPY?

well BYND is rocking NVDA

Posted by RP on 8th of Sep 2020 at 12:52 pm

well BYND is rocking NVDA way off the lows GDX and GLD both positive DELL positive what can i say :)

well been on the road

Posted by RP on 8th of Sep 2020 at 09:51 am

well been on the road for a month time to get rockin again..sold sqqq and holding spxu we just took out 3354 on spx that could kick in some longer term cycles to the downside or just over shoot. long bynd  picked up some nvda and dell on steve's comments . also bck in long GLD and GDX ...also long LABD maybe we get a bounce this afternoon who knows...

you want to look at

Posted by RP on 20th of Aug 2020 at 09:08 am

you want to look at a chart look at OSTK i think it is biggest winner of the year! how did we miss that ..i had 10k shares and sold them at 8.00 oh well

also looking for VXX to

Posted by RP on 19th of Aug 2020 at 02:30 pm

also looking for VXX to make a move here as well.....

time for a smakdown all

Posted by RP on 19th of Aug 2020 at 02:27 pm

time for a smakdown all way around this mkt  is a manipulated mess the big boyz and gals been selling into this ,,who holds the last tulip i wonder

dollar been up all day

FOMC minutes at 2:00 EST

Posted by RP on 19th of Aug 2020 at 02:25 pm

dollar been up all day dollar  up gold down we due for bounce plu they aid they had inflation under control

dollar up here i have

Posted by RP on 19th of Aug 2020 at 11:58 am

dollar up here i have a daily and weekly buy setting up if so gold will go down ..than reload

gold charts with the b

Posted by RP on 19th of Aug 2020 at 11:34 am

gold charts with the b wave ? where is support projections? down almost 50.00 here matt  or steve thx

thanks for sharing..valuations are high as well also not good..

like i said gold and

Posted by RP on 12th of Aug 2020 at 03:51 pm

like i said gold and silver not done going down.mkt up on what?? will end ugly dollar will bounce more

bounce is expected lots cycles

Gold Futures

Posted by RP on 12th of Aug 2020 at 09:05 am

bounce is expected lots cycles setting up for move lower

been on the road from

Posted by RP on 12th of Aug 2020 at 07:03 am

been on the road from az to pa. anyway checked my acct last night needless to say was very happy gld puts slv puts labd and sqqq calls also jdst i see they doing a bounce see how she goes today..

blow off top in gold an silver ...will add to my puts today ..same with qqq i am just waiting i am patient when it comes to see me will have hugh day or vare very manipulated at this point and of course lots have been calling for that 10% plus correction and mkt made fools of them i will just be patient like i said...


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