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Finding support at the 50dma.

Posted by EdZ on 15th of Dec 2021 at 10:29 am

Finding support at the 50dma.   NVDA  LCID  AMD

Divergences on 5min   SPY  QQQ

Posted by EdZ on 14th of Dec 2021 at 01:05 pm

Divergences on 5min   SPY  QQQ

Nice symmetry move.

MCD Daily View

Posted by EdZ on 12th of Dec 2021 at 12:58 pm

Nice symmetry move.


Musk, Other Insiders Are Selling

Posted by EdZ on 10th of Dec 2021 at 12:54 pm

Musk, Other Insiders Are Selling Stock at Historic Levels ~ WSJ


Posted by EdZ on 8th of Dec 2021 at 12:59 pm


CGC - Double bottom on

Posted by EdZ on 8th of Dec 2021 at 12:31 pm

CGC - Double bottom on weekly chart.


Posted by EdZ on 8th of Dec 2021 at 12:02 pm


ROKU just stuck a deal

Posted by EdZ on 8th of Dec 2021 at 09:29 am

ROKU just stuck a deal with GOOGL and is up 20 pre-market.


Posted by EdZ on 6th of Dec 2021 at 11:56 pm


PG, PEP, KO, WMT, COST, MDLZ, EL, MO, PM, CL -  WMT just  came off a triple bottom with a bullish harami on Friday.

Beer stocks strong today.  

Posted by EdZ on 6th of Dec 2021 at 12:52 pm

Beer stocks strong today.   BUD   SAM  TAP

Yes and holding longer term.  Will start trading the charts on these kinds of stocks rather than buying the dips.  Might have been a good buy today below .70 cents.

OOTO - Travel Industry ETF

Posted by EdZ on 6th of Dec 2021 at 11:36 am

OOTO - Travel Industry ETF

Airlines having a good day.

Posted by EdZ on 6th of Dec 2021 at 11:20 am

Airlines having a good day.


Posted by EdZ on 6th of Dec 2021 at 10:30 am


Fear and Greed Index is now

Posted by EdZ on 5th of Dec 2021 at 03:08 pm

CPCE has not been this

Posted by EdZ on 4th of Dec 2021 at 03:20 pm

CPCE has not been this high since November of last year.

What’s Really Driving The Omicron

Posted by EdZ on 4th of Dec 2021 at 03:02 pm

What’s Really Driving The Omicron Market Selloff

While the media is running around trying to pin headlines on the market moves from the Fed to the Omicron variant, the reality is that we are in the midst of mutual fund distribution season. As Michael Lebowitz noted: We believe the rotation is not a sudden change in mindset but, likely the actions of mutual funds rebalancing their portfolios.Frequently at year-end mutual funds sell the winners which have become overweight positions and buy the losers which are below their proper weights. The large returns this year in certain sectors are making these actions more visible than normal.

SPX Bullish % Index

Posted by EdZ on 2nd of Dec 2021 at 04:23 pm

SPX Bullish % Index


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