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WLL triggered

Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 03:24 pm

What's the target? I didn't see the AM post



Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 03:23 pm

Thanks for the heads up. I tend to use tight stops and take profits too early, but that's okay while I learn.



Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 03:12 pm

i did!

Biotech Sector


Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 02:33 pm

Not necessarily for a trade right now, but any names in this sector one could watch. I'm not familiar with individual companies. Or is there an ETF?

GM/Oil/Bear Market


Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 02:12 pm

Gm boosts DOW. Seems Oil puuls back each day about this time - just vbefore the close in the pit and they need to stay above 11280 for the psychological level of a bear market. Gold stocks all started down after GM as well

Rather get a bounce so resulting downside could be a little more certain.


SRS is a monster, look at how the MACD is ...

Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 01:14 pm

Dylan, you're a sick man! But if they do - I'll double up!



Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 12:08 pm


Great trade - thanks for the post!

Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 12:06 pm

MOve your account to Penson with Vince - he'll do the trade and it's not going to cost you and extra commission - only whatever the exchange requires.

Fever # 7

fever #7

Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 11:39 am

Rafe - You're a kick!

Auto Sales

Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 10:49 am

Does anyone think the auto sales number will make the market react - sure did last time but maybe it's all baked in now.



Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 10:45 am

Whoo Hoo - Quick little trade on AAPL. Grabbed my profits and put em in the bank. It can go up from here, but I'm happy with what I got - beats the heck out of a losing trade!



Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 09:12 am

Thanks Dodger. Ususally this happens on days when there is some sort of economic news so I was somewhat surprised. I'll just stay short and watch it play out.


Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 08:46 am

West coaster here. I hate this - waking up at 5AM and seeing the futures have tanked. When I went to bed they were up 32 on the DOW. This is perfectly fine news for me and my insessant short positions but just curios if something "CAUSED" this or is it just sentiment being real?


Posted by rvk1958 on 30th of Jun 2008 at 02:55 pm

Just made a new intraday high Wink

Watch Stocks


Posted by rvk1958 on 30th of Jun 2008 at 02:47 pm

It is very tough environment. I got in all 3 but very tight stops and out - still have CELG however and it is trying to rally back.

I suspect this kind of market persists until Thursday unless some other impetus launches it one way or another.



Posted by rvk1958 on 30th of Jun 2008 at 02:05 pm

A lot of chatter Friday and over the weekend that they are maybe going to be next. They have some skeletons in their closet that have yet to be discovered.

The Mrs

Posted by rvk1958 on 30th of Jun 2008 at 01:56 pm

My thoughts and best wished will be with you and her! Let us know when you're back and all is well!



Posted by rvk1958 on 30th of Jun 2008 at 12:54 pm

The target is only 7 so if you got in at 6.25 you're in for a 12% potential upside. I bot with a tight stop - no sense giving up anything significant. It's been moving gradually since the BO

The Mrs

Posted by rvk1958 on 30th of Jun 2008 at 12:52 pm

RP - We're all worried now!


You're comments are dead on HOWEVER - I take great exceptoin to the comment that youe website does a better job that MOST out there - Honey doll  - you guys ROCK! This is THE BEST trading website!


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