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That is what they call

EW count from advanced get

Posted by ralph on 4th of Mar 2009 at 12:32 pm

That is what they call thier Make or Break.  That area encompassing both colors is support.  The vertical black lines are time targets, which I beleive is today.  Who knows, let's see what happens.



EW count from advanced get

Posted by ralph on 4th of Mar 2009 at 12:17 pm


Posted by ralph on 3rd of Mar 2009 at 01:16 pm

I may be in the minority, but he sounds a lot better than last time and I think he is doing fairly well so far.




Posted by ralph on 27th of Feb 2009 at 03:36 pm

I saw that piece but was distracted for a moment.  He mentioned bonds, but I don't know if he was bullish or bearish.


I like the banks

Posted by ralph on 27th of Feb 2009 at 01:49 pm

I will say it again.  87 to 91 was the cliff notes version of 2000-2010.  We went through all the same steps.  We had the RTC in 89, good bank, bad bank, the recession in 90.  It took forever for trust to come back to the banks even though there was appreciation ( small).  I coined my phrase "lepracy factor" back then.  If clients would rather talk about having lepracy than buy an asset class, it was time to buy.

I think there will be a stigma on NY banks and leadership will change hands, BAC and WFC may be the new leaders going forward.

This is not investment advice.  I don't know if it make sense at all.  As always DYODD


Matt - Thanks for walking us through that trade. 




Posted by ralph on 17th of Feb 2009 at 03:49 pm

How did that guy stay so fat after 4 years on a desert island?

You sure know how to much more bad news

Posted by ralph on 17th of Feb 2009 at 12:38 pm

You sure know how to have fun!  I think we are all playing in a pile of crap today.


Prudential guys used to call him Ralph Keep-em-poor-a.  In this business, you are never wrong, just early.


"conventional wisdom" is looking for

S&P Fair Value

Posted by ralph on 12th of Feb 2009 at 04:33 pm

"conventional wisdom" is looking for a rebound in the second half.  When earnings start to address the second half, and it looks weaker, I think we will adjust.  Mid April in Q1 earnings season should answer these questions. JM.02.  Until then, we could stay in this trading range.



Bailout the Stupid!

News Timing

Posted by ralph on 12th of Feb 2009 at 03:57 pm

Good news Mr. Homeowner.  America to the rescue.  Your 500k home purchase that is now worth 350k will be bailed out by the taxpayers.  I'm sure that your 500k mortgage is a little hard right now but we will help.  I know you only make 50k, but when the value of your house appreciates, you can flip it!  Life is tough,  but it's tougher when you're stupid!  Unfortunately, I don't know which of us is stupid!

News Timing

Posted by ralph on 12th of Feb 2009 at 03:22 pm

Just amazing timing of the Reuters mortgage news.

Which Way?

Posted by ralph on 12th of Feb 2009 at 02:57 pm

We should have an answer of market direction in the next 10 minutes

I think it was back in 2006 that Citi and Wells Fargo were accused of not making enough loans available to marginal borrowers and were going to be sued by the US government.  This is a sham, it's embarassing.

unsane, interesting system.  I am


Posted by ralph on 7th of Feb 2009 at 01:04 pm

unsane, interesting system.  I am searching tradestation for a way to do it here,  so far, no success.  Keep us posted.


changing trading hours for TS

Tradestation market close

Posted by ralph on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 05:09 pm

To get a consistant 4 pm close in TS, I went to "sessions"' "other sessions" clicked on US stock w/premarket "modify" and eliminated all the premarket sessions, leaving only the daily sessions.  I use this as my default.  It closes all ETFs at 4pm.  Hope thei helps.


Trade the Vix

Posted by ralph on 2nd of Feb 2009 at 10:01 am

Just got a note from Barclays and you can now trade the vix long and short with VXX and VYX

Oh Boy!


Dylan - I have a

Dow Chemical

Posted by ralph on 27th of Jan 2009 at 09:41 am

Dylan - I have a client who owns a lot of ROHand he reads everything related to the deal.  According to him, it will cost A LOT of money for DOW to get out of the deal.  Some of the mistakes the DOW CEO made are laughable.  As always, DYODD


Elliott Vave count FWIW

Posted by ralph on 19th of Jan 2009 at 02:47 pm

Interesting wave count from Advanced Get It shows an Make or Break  in the 67 area with the highest probality of time between 1-26 and 2-13.  Some times, they work out, may times, they don't.

Barney Frank?

Posted by ralph on 9th of Jan 2009 at 12:47 pm

I don't get this guy.  I swear his great,great,great,great,great,great grandfather was Barney Rubble.




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