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Dow is close to 100

Posted by ndtrade123 on 16th of Mar 2009 at 11:22 am

Dow is close to 100 points.  I listen and read all your posts.  But the momentum is up.  Shorting is kinda scary.

People both on this site

Posted by ndtrade123 on 15th of Mar 2009 at 11:31 am

People both on this site and others talk about a short, interimedate term rally for a few weeks to a couple of months.  I think that the important thing is whether we will get a pull back like the one on Monday, December 1.  I remember the whole week of Thanksgiving was a happy time with rally due to annoucements of Obama's cabinet and Citigroup's aid from the government.  However, on Monday after Thanksgiving, the market took a dump with a significant sell off without any bad news.  If the similar situation happens, it will be very damaging to these leveraged long ETFs.  Please advise.

I don't know much about

Posted by ndtrade123 on 13th of Mar 2009 at 03:44 pm

I don't know much about charts, but the gut feeling is telling me that this rally has quite a bit of strength.  Unless some terrible news comes out this weekend, this rally feels like it's going to keep going for a bit.  Perhaps the dip around noon was the leg down that the chart is telling us.  Or that's too small of a drop.

Guys, thank you for your

Posted by ndtrade123 on 13th of Mar 2009 at 02:27 pm

Guys, thank you for your advice.  Thank you for helping out a new guy.

Guys, I am pretty new

Posted by ndtrade123 on 13th of Mar 2009 at 12:09 pm

Guys, I am pretty new at this, and yes I read all your posts and the updates from Matt and Steve.  Most of you think that we are going down for a bit from here.  Can anyone comment on how low it is going to go on the S&P or Dow?  The market is holding up decently today and the sentiment is decent as well.  I am just wondering if I should hold my long positions over the weekend or I should just sell them now.  Please advise.

Both Citi and BoA said

Posted by ndtrade123 on 12th of Mar 2009 at 09:20 pm

Both Citi and BoA said they don't need additional money from the government.  If that's true, the fear of total nationalization of big banks should be gone...for now.  The downfall of financials in Jan and Feb should be made up with this ongoing rally.

Citi chairman said that they don't need additional money from the government.  That's of course a great news.  Financial's rally might not be over yet.

Matt, Steve, and others...  Thank you so much for all you do!!  This is an amazing site.

Strength towards the close...follow through

Posted by ndtrade123 on 12th of Mar 2009 at 03:41 pm

Strength towards the close...follow through with more upside tomorrow?

Thank you rp.

Posted by ndtrade123 on 12th of Mar 2009 at 03:35 pm

Thank you rp.

Thank you rp.  So what's

Posted by ndtrade123 on 12th of Mar 2009 at 03:21 pm

Thank you rp.  So what's your gut telling you today?  With the negativity going on for the last two months, I think that people are scared but they don't want to miss a rally.

People might take profits.  Isnt the rule that once a major resistance is broken, the market will go up further?

S&P is 745 now.  The

Posted by ndtrade123 on 12th of Mar 2009 at 02:44 pm

S&P is 745 now.  The resistance is broken.  What's next?

Wow...the rally is getting stronger. 

Posted by ndtrade123 on 12th of Mar 2009 at 02:20 pm

Wow...the rally is getting stronger.  Matt, is it possible that you provide your thoughts on FAS or FAZ?  Financials are hot right now and they are the biggest gainers.  I am sure people on this site are betting on this sector one way or the other.  Thank you.

Mark to Market guidance out

Posted by ndtrade123 on 12th of Mar 2009 at 11:55 am

Mark to Market guidance out in three weeks - Marketwatch


With today's upside done already, are you saying that we are going to go down from here?

does anyone have resistance and

Posted by ndtrade123 on 11th of Mar 2009 at 03:01 pm

does anyone have resistance and support levels for XLF, UYG, or FAS?  Bank good news keep coming out(today JPM).  Hopefully tomorrow's MTM meeting will bring good news too.

S&P 735 is the major

Posted by ndtrade123 on 11th of Mar 2009 at 09:51 am

S&P 735 is the major resistance right?  The support from last bear market we broke few days ago?

Another novice question for you

Posted by ndtrade123 on 11th of Mar 2009 at 08:49 am

Another novice question for you experienced traders, how many positions do you typically hold at one time?  Diversification is good and bad.  Basically I am asking how you do your daily or swing trade asset allocation.  Or you do it by gut feelings?  Please advise.  Thank you for all your advice and I am humble to learn.

First 90% up day in

Posted by ndtrade123 on 11th of Mar 2009 at 12:00 am

First 90% up day in both volume and stocks in a long long time...


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