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ES   5 min has

Posted by mrjasongill on 21st of Apr 2022 at 02:14 pm

ES   5 min has RSI div trend line it's at right now... 

Told you you'd like it.   :)   Webinar me!  I'm still struggling 

Ok, so we still have

SPX 120 clean view

Posted by mrjasongill on 14th of Apr 2022 at 03:45 pm

Ok, so we still have the potential to rally and fill those open gaps in the 4484 area

FYI, 5 min has RSI divergence and a reversal candle right now

Steve, are you saying this is bearish or what?  sorry for my ignorance...

ping ponging between Steve's levels...4415

Posted by mrjasongill on 14th of Apr 2022 at 02:27 pm

ping ponging between Steve's levels...4415 better hold here...Got a demark 9 on the 1 min a couple minutes ago...

Added some more on that chart...  TheH&S would measure up to that gap that didn't get totally filled... 

potential 15 min inverse head

Posted by mrjasongill on 14th of Apr 2022 at 12:54 pm

potential 15 min inverse head and shoulder. 

RSI 5 from that chart 

Getting demark 9 on the 5 min now.

probably 4400 to test the broken wedge.  It's setting up an inverse H&S on the 15 min if we start turning back up soon.$SPX&p=60&yr=0&mn=2&dy=1&id=p48521890056&a=584502113&listNum=61 

hourly and 5 min chart.... 

5min-  Reversal candle a few

Posted by mrjasongill on 13th of Apr 2022 at 03:48 pm

5min-  Reversal candle a few minutes ago and a demark 9     Right at the 4450 I said was resistance earlier...only problem is I didn't hold all the way up! haha....should have gone with my original plan.  I'm short here...since we're overbought on 15 min and 5 min...Looking for a pullback to the 4438.50 area uptrend on 1 min 

Cool I sold the move up to 4434 a little bit ago for a nice winner, but then reentered too soon and had to keep the emotions in check! haha...didn't let them scoop me.  Hopefully that was the backtest of the wedge and off to the races....I will sell at 4450 and look for another pullback to re-enter for the 50 MA above... 

Some scooping going on right now! haha...

I jumped back in when it got back above the premarket high...

Mat what are your thoughts

Posted by mrjasongill on 13th of Apr 2022 at 01:49 pm

Mat what are your thoughts on this 15 min wedge on SPX?     5 waves with divergence but kinda sloppy?    Now we're getting some divergence on the 1 min if it holds this level...4424.50.   I was hoping to buy around 4420 on the wedge backtest. 

That undercut to 4380 had me worried!  Hopefully this wedge plays out and we get a bounce to 4484 to fill that gap...

Some divergence on the 5 min playing out....I think it will retest the broken downtrend from the wedge now...     15, 5, 1 min charts....

Looks like we will bounce off premarket high again...  15min, 5 min, 1 min charts....wedge target gap at 4484...I'm long... 

GDXJ measures to 54.50ish....Would be a nice move...I'm heavy miners right now...


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