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Gold 2008 was different


Posted by marks on 18th of Aug 2011 at 09:13 am

based on the same seasonality...Looks like gold is making new high 1820's

GOLD topping?

Posted by marks on 18th of Aug 2011 at 08:09 am

Does anyone fell like GOLD is topping in a short term and could lead to a heavy sell off?

I want to hear bullish case for a short term(2-3m). No one is talking about GOLD going parabolic, But when Silver did the same thing everyone was screaming.



Posted by marks on 17th of Aug 2011 at 03:36 pm

Nice rally today for a good 7% profit


Posted by marks on 17th of Aug 2011 at 11:02 am

It needs some Whisky to move up...Bought some here.

Another Funny headline today

Posted by marks on 12th of Aug 2011 at 04:13 pm

CNBC: "Remember that cross-country heatwave? July retail sales were up 0.5 percent because people sought refuge in air conditioned malls."

VIX about to turn and SPX to down

Vix buy signal ?

Posted by marks on 12th of Aug 2011 at 02:44 pm

Looks like on 60 min VIX is turning up and SPX wants to go down...

Some Headline are funny

Posted by marks on 12th of Aug 2011 at 10:54 am

Here is one from CNN front page


Stocks: Higher again, and few wild swings. Phew!

"Stocks are moving higher today. That's two days in a row. What happened Wall Street? Tired of the roller coaster?"

The number of Hurricances

Possible hurricane

Posted by marks on 12th of Aug 2011 at 10:40 am

Have gone down..There used to be atleast 3-4 big cat 3,4 hurricances

More pain to come..probably 1-2 months from now

Posted by marks on 11th of Aug 2011 at 05:25 pm


Similar ban was put in Aug time frame here in 2008 and in Oct was a meltdown...I think we are getting closer to some larger decline

Possible scenario

Posted by marks on 11th of Aug 2011 at 11:03 am

QE3 comes and its possible

ES Broke Down

Posted by marks on 11th of Aug 2011 at 09:04 am

My version of SPX weekly

ES Broke Down

Posted by marks on 11th of Aug 2011 at 08:49 am

Here is the chart

ES Broke Down

Posted by marks on 11th of Aug 2011 at 08:26 am

we have not yet hit the extreme on a bear market, which is above 80 on RSI...may be this week we will hit if this rate continues

What is the measured move down

ES Broke Down

Posted by marks on 11th of Aug 2011 at 08:18 am

If the ES is broken is there any particular target to downside?

I have chart where we are not yet the extreme, we have entered bear territory and looking for a bear rally.  $ust:$spx ratio chart

Break the 1142-1143 barrier

Posted by marks on 10th of Aug 2011 at 01:11 pm

Need some rally here..

Dollar reversed

SPX 5 Minute

Posted by marks on 10th of Aug 2011 at 10:29 am

This could be the reason for the whole sell off..

SPX backtest the line

Posted by marks on 10th of Aug 2011 at 09:51 am

I know it will, but did not expect it to be this fast by gapping down.

This is insane

what happened in last 2 hours??

Posted by marks on 10th of Aug 2011 at 09:16 am

No news event and yet down by 20 pts before open

Look like 1200 can be reached tomorrow

Posted by marks on 9th of Aug 2011 at 04:15 pm

Provided S&P does not downgrade AA+ to AA-

world markets will rally rest of the week given the oversold conditions.

No big news in tomorrow, except for German CPI and BOE minute

In a single day we broke two resistance lines

Posted by marks on 9th of Aug 2011 at 03:47 pm


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