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Are they rationing these short

Posted by kreem on 19th of Sep 2008 at 10:05 am

Are they rationing these short funds somehow, there was a sudden spike in SDS where I got a fill, and producing a nice market positive candle, which I think they like to see to send signals to screen jockeys/'speculators' everywhere. Maybe it's not IB... is this too far-fetched when short selling, a key to maket efficiency has been banned for god's sake?

Financials ARE the ones who

Thoughts on SEC

Posted by kreem on 19th of Sep 2008 at 09:58 am

Financials ARE the ones who do the naked shorting - this is too ironic! This is a new level of thievery springing a shorting ban with no notice. Everyone else's markets can tank, but not ours, the creators of all this. No, not ours, cos we are God's people!

So apparently we can't even get out of the short funds if we want to? I can't get IB fills on SDS either! Is it only oddlots?

Re mty earlier question on

Posted by kreem on 17th of Sep 2008 at 03:52 pm

Re mty earlier question on strangley behaving ETFs, answered it myself  - see this link

Anyone know if there is

Posted by kreem on 17th of Sep 2008 at 02:50 pm

Anyone know if there is risk (hopefully not too stupid a question) in ETFs managed by these troubled financials eg the ishares Lehman TIP fund?

  Noticed stuff like the emerging market bond and sovereign debt funds going down exhorbitant, possibly inexplicable  %s today eg PCY

Price/volume and breadth - 2

Posted by kreem on 12th of Sep 2008 at 02:11 am

Price/volume and breadth - 2 different things

Triangles and impulses - 2 more different things- this was a 5 wave impulse, looks no more like a triangle than a horse.

Am I right there is

Posted by kreem on 11th of Sep 2008 at 04:22 pm

Am I right there is no such creature as a one shot 5 wave corrective move?

Does the strength of this

Posted by kreem on 11th of Sep 2008 at 04:11 pm

Does the strength of this close have you backing off any of  your scaled in shorts?

Or still clear  on te downtrend?

so we're thinking wave 5

Posted by kreem on 11th of Sep 2008 at 11:59 am

so we're thinking wave 5 is over quickly and this is probably the bigger 2 already, its 'a' possibly completing?

re Gold

Posted by kreem on 9th of Sep 2008 at 02:37 pm

So if the credibility of the whole fiat currency system and the global economy was partly at stake and you demonstrated you could  easily take complete control of a puny market like gold right to the edge of even the gold bugs saying the bull market was over, and your aim was to break their back, in a world where fiction is reality, then wouldn't you go ahead and complete that move and push it right over the edge????(Starting with the idiot fringe - the silver/junior/ GDX enthusiasts, those with clearly more wind than power)

Might you even cast this 'sinister manipulation' as a good thing, a necessary evil for the greater good, (regardless of who caused it in the first place)? Who cares about a bunch of naysayers and traders anyway - we're all losing money here.

I've been losing money gettin pon board with gold bugs, who although they may be right in the end, never speculate on the above - they just say - 'fundamentals always win out in the end'. I'm begining to question their super literal way of viewing things. Is it possible with so much at stake this may just not be like all the other times.



Posted by kreem on 9th of Sep 2008 at 10:51 am

Shorting xle doesn't appeal? noting the H &S and wkly trendline break on huge volume  v the 5th wave backtest of trendline and hope for capitulation - but aren't these commodity stocks being treated as the poor brothers of the crappy stuff?

That's exactly what happens to

Posted by kreem on 7th of Sep 2008 at 11:39 pm

That's exactly what happens to me esp on the weekends!?

BTW is there no flash alternative  this weekend or has my switch to firefox done something?

so is this a pullback

Posted by kreem on 29th of Aug 2008 at 03:58 pm

so is this a pullback to support or a negation of the breakout - opinions anyone?

silver & dollar

Posted by kreem on 25th of Aug 2008 at 02:24 pm

....adding to the newsletter analysis, worth noting that on more a longterm weekly, or monthly chart, $USD is right at it's trendline, and silver is back at its with a 50% retracement of its entire 8 yr move! And on not that huge volume, even in the paper.

For me that changes the picture considerably.

Meanwhile physical demand is through the roof - I think this short covering move is entirely fabricated, and gold season is here.

gas raid

Posted by kreem on 22nd of Aug 2008 at 01:14 pm

gas raid



Posted by kreem on 21st of Aug 2008 at 10:10 am

I've been seeing DBA as a big Wkly flag coming off 50% on good volume, now over daily 50ma

china & refiners

Posted by kreem on 21st of Aug 2008 at 10:08 am

I've seen some China bullishness here over last few days and FMCN is on the watchlist - are there fundamental or just technical reasons?

Also, Matt, curious re the refiners, I know they've been picking up, but don't they generally tend to correlate more with the indices than oil?


Posted by kreem on 20th of Aug 2008 at 01:13 pm

Perhaps the USD rally is like financials' - explode out of the gate on short covering then stop dead when reality is remembered - hope so for gold's sake!

$USD has broken its 21

Posted by kreem on 8th of Aug 2008 at 11:24 am

$USD has broken its 21 week MA for two consecutive wkly candles for the first time in 2 yrs.

...and quite a few facts amongst the sarcasm.

What is the point of all that info if there's no follow through - coherence is at issue here.

I don't need 900 daytrading ideas, but I think it's reasonable to expect follow through in the tenor of the hour or so I put into listening to updates late at night, which would be a hell of a lot less of a crimp on my lifestyle if it came out earlier 

If that wasn't offered then I wouldn't expect the blog not to be silent in response to my previous request for an update from ANYone with ‘conviction’ to what appeared to be the long-awaited and much talked-about longer term break of QQQQ over 46. The OIL short apparently triggered yesterday on lower volume.

I’m not saying this to be nasty to poor old Matt & Steve. I know Matt’s often on the ball with this, but in this case there was no response from ANYone for half an hour. I could have benefited from ANYone’s conviction, including yours since you apparently had one. But if no-one had any take on the indices’ direction, I’m wondering how it is you are judging your daytrades. Why not communicate on the main thing before all the chaff.

 The conviction you are talking about seems next to useless in changeable chaotic markets. Ongoing and timely communicating on the signals is far more useful, at least to me. And once again, as NOT a full time daytrader, I apparently represent the majority. I took a bunch of watchlist longs on legitimate volume only to find out after the fact it was a probably false break. Even a warning peep after the SPY 5m head and shoulders didn’t seem to play out and the triangle breakout held would have been helpful.

Bit late, looks like I got

Posted by kreem on 6th of Aug 2008 at 01:05 pm

Bit late, looks like I got bull- trapped in all the silence.

Sure looked like one of those breaks I was going to hear about in great detail around midnight tonight as SPX seemed to confirm QQQQ!


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