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right on dodger


Posted by kevmars on 22nd of Sep 2008 at 02:03 pm

Your comments are spot on.  We won't see any straight talk out of Congress on this issue just more wishful thinking and happy talk for the sheeple.

For those not familiar check out the recent posts from Mike Shedlock...he nails it.


Posted by kevmars on 17th of Sep 2008 at 04:11 pm

What is the board's opinion of establishing long position in FXI for a 1-3 week hold to the 20 dma? 


OIL rally this week?

Posted by kevmars on 24th of Aug 2008 at 04:46 pm

A good article on oil and oil related stocks - low risk/reward trade with Oil and OIH at trendline support.

Also, it looks like USO is back testing its broken downtrendline with the big down day Fri - good entry it seems - likewise for oil and gas stocks - see XTO. CLR etc - testing support after breakout - with all the talk of Fri's big sell off, could be a good time for a contrarian play...

WFR - destroyed

Posted by kevmars on 23rd of Jul 2008 at 09:32 pm

This is an example of the danger of holding through earnings as Matt has said many times - in this market it seems that shorting into earnings is a good play for many stocks even when they appear to present a good quarter (like BRCM).

WFR -10 min chart

Posted by kevmars on 16th of Jul 2008 at 09:32 am

Double bottom with pos div - beaten down - earnings on 6/23 - fwd p/e <10  - long term contracts in place give projected 25 pct growth - in hot solar sector...

VLO- 10 min chart

Posted by kevmars on 16th of Jul 2008 at 09:25 am

broken down trend line on the 10 min chart on high vol with - looks impulsive but today's action will be telling...pos div on daily macd hist...

refiners - vol spike

Posted by kevmars on 16th of Jul 2008 at 09:13 am

Could the volume spike seen yesterday mark the end of the trend?  See chart of VLO. 

pos trdae idea SOHU short

Posted by kevmars on 25th of Jun 2008 at 04:18 pm

nice h&s, thoughts?


Posted by kevmars on 19th of Jun 2008 at 04:25 pm

Last night BNI released a statement saying that 2Q esp would be light by 10 cents due to fuel cost and recent disruptions from the flooding in the midwest.  Inexplicably the stock rallies 2 pct today! How does this make any sense at all? Granted the stock was very oversold but usually the market will clip a stock that preannounces a miss.  Weird.  IYT looking strong on the chart today.


Posted by kevmars on 19th of Jun 2008 at 02:16 pm

 looking at the daily charts for TSO & VLO there is massive pos divergence in place with stoc below 20 - stoc is also < 20 on the weekly charts - there is not a more unloved sector right now than the refiners so taking a contrarian view and a 3 month time horizon n entry on the  long pside here could be a good risk/reward bet.  thoguhts?

crack spread


Posted by kevmars on 19th of Jun 2008 at 01:45 pm


check this article out.  might be near a bottom on the refiners with the announcement today of China's partial lifting of gasoline and diesel subsidies.


AGU short

Posted by kevmars on 18th of Jun 2008 at 05:24 pm

What do people think of the reversal in AGU today as a setup for a potential short?  The last time it reversed like that it went back to its 20dma - a similar move would be approx 12 pts in the current scenario.


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