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XLF 22 jul 15 call

Posted by johnsa on 19th of Jul 2011 at 01:57 pm

Almost 30k in volume. the inverse Head and shoulder chart that i have drawn has a potential to hit till 15.15. right now the calls are at .06X.07. It was at .03X.04 when i posted the chart with 25k in volume

XLF inverse HS

Posted by johnsa on 19th of Jul 2011 at 12:53 pm

Looks like a probable inverse head and shoulder if it can start moving up to complete the right shoulder

IBM looks to break 180...whats

IBM due out soon

Posted by johnsa on 18th of Jul 2011 at 04:29 pm

IBM looks to break 180...whats up with all the tech stocks...tomorrow AAPL reports and it is already at its all time high

SPX 15 min ready for a bounce

Posted by johnsa on 18th of Jul 2011 at 03:07 pm

It met its head & Shoulder target and is ready for a bounce here.

First initial target is 1313 range and then move to 1330 area before a significant correction



Yes bought some here and

spx30, positive divergence....

Posted by johnsa on 18th of Jul 2011 at 11:21 am

Yes bought some here and see where this pattern leads to$SPX&p=30&yr=0&mn=1&dy=0&id=p47847532393&a=159075276&listNum=61

Same Tequilla ad with moving


Posted by johnsa on 14th of Jul 2011 at 04:28 pm

Same Tequilla ad with moving cartoon

590 and $60 pop...unreal..

GOOG Big Beat

Posted by johnsa on 14th of Jul 2011 at 04:12 pm

590 and $60 pop...unreal..

585 and still going

GOOG Big Beat

Posted by johnsa on 14th of Jul 2011 at 04:05 pm

585 and still going

when was QE2 exactly announced

Copper and QE2 vs. QE3

Posted by johnsa on 13th of Jul 2011 at 12:47 pm

when was QE2 exactly announced last year

this up and down makes

moody's downgrades Ireland

Posted by johnsa on 12th of Jul 2011 at 03:33 pm

this up and down makes me vomit. this is a buy and sell or short and cover kind of market...nothing to be held for more than 1-2 days

futures are already down big


Posted by johnsa on 11th of Jul 2011 at 10:06 pm

futures are already down big time with DOLLAR breaking out of resistance....tomorrow big red day coming for markets


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