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US considers dropping some tariffs

Posted by isplat on 4th of Nov 2019 at 06:40 pm

US considers dropping some tariffs on China

For some reason the Stockcharts

Posted by isplat on 3rd of Oct 2019 at 10:16 am

For some reason the Stockcharts TICK chart is not updating, whilst the regular 5 min is working fine.

Is Stockcharts down again?

Posted by isplat on 10th of Sep 2019 at 11:06 am

Is Stockcharts down again?

Can anyone tell me what

Posted by isplat on 9th of Sep 2019 at 12:05 pm

Can anyone tell me what this market is waiting for?

DAX spike caused by this

Posted by isplat on 3rd of Sep 2019 at 09:43 am

DAX spike caused by this (guess who was short DAX and got stopped out, only for price to reverse again!):


Can you imagine what would have happened had Uncle Ronnie had Twitter back in the day?

Did the boys and girls

Posted by isplat on 23rd of Aug 2019 at 11:02 am

Did the boys and girls in Jackson Hole come up with some clever ideas about raising rates???

Posted by isplat on 19th of Aug 2019 at 10:31 am

Matt's classic trend day late

Posted by isplat on 16th of Aug 2019 at 03:09 pm

Matt's classic trend day late bounce. I can't count the number of times I've benefited from this...

I believe the futures symbol is FDAX

Merkel and German Finance Minister

Posted by isplat on 16th of Aug 2019 at 11:06 am

Merkel and German Finance Minister Scholz have announced that they would risk a budget deficit in order to avoid a recession. Jeez, that's quite a statement for German politicians to make!Remember that they are members of two different parties in a coalition govt. Hence the spike in DAX.

Apologies for the large typeface

Posted by isplat on 16th of Aug 2019 at 10:27 am

Apologies for the large typeface below!

Does anyone know what just

Posted by isplat on 12th of Aug 2019 at 02:49 pm

Does anyone know what just happened?

Good point. I closed my

Posted by isplat on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 11:35 am

Good point. I closed my long when SPX 5 hit the 20 MA - paid for a very nice family holiday later this year!   

Lovely move up out of

SPX 5 min

Posted by isplat on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 11:20 am

Lovely move up out of that wedge, Matt!

Sorry, that was of course

Posted by isplat on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 09:27 am

Sorry, that was of course meant to read "yesterday's tariff announcement"!

Matt & Steve, what with

Posted by isplat on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 09:11 am

Matt & Steve, what with the move in bond yields in the wake of today's tariff announcement, what is the yield curve looking like? I'd really appreciate an update in the next newsletter, if possible. Many thanks!

White House To Make Announcement

Posted by isplat on 2nd of Aug 2019 at 02:13 am

White House To Make Announcement On EU Trade 1345 ET Friday

SPX MA ribbon 1st squeeze?

Posted by isplat on 30th of Jul 2019 at 12:54 pm

SPX MA ribbon 1st squeeze?


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