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Posted by hornsant on 15th of Jun 2009 at 02:05 pm

looks like it wants to go back to 17.55

Might be but I am

SPX closing the gap

Posted by hornsant on 15th of Jun 2009 at 11:56 am

Might be but I am also watching Expiration and SPY's max pain is in the low 80's, there is still room to move down the rest of the week... not in a straight line of course. Mind you Max pain has been +/- accurate when it comes to indices. Take care. 

Yep Bill I've been trading TOL from 18.00 but it is resilient at 17.00... lets see if the correction does bring it down and through the 17.00 print


Posted by hornsant on 15th of Jun 2009 at 10:37 am

Daily support at 927.97 has given way, the daily chart is now negative, that opens the door for 880 wich is the lows of the range.

Another way to look at

$400 gold

Posted by hornsant on 15th of Jun 2009 at 05:03 am

Another way to look at gold is by using that oil/gold standard 10:1, being 10 Bs of oil = 1 Ounce of gold. It does not mean that the mkt will ever be there but it gives you an idea about oversold/overbought condition, both will tend to find equilibrium and a price divergence between them will imply that one or both will start a correction towards that 10:1 relation. Oil has risen from extreeme oversold condition of app 30$ a barrel to near 75$ and it seems to have toped, at the same time gold has retreated from that near 1000$ could come down further towards the 800 print... will see.

Good call John, yesterday it


Posted by hornsant on 12th of Jun 2009 at 09:30 am

Good call John, yesterday it bacame the largest money manager in the business

200 EMA

Posted by hornsant on 12th of Jun 2009 at 09:26 am

One thing to note in the daily SPX chart despite the small diferences between the diferent services: what they all share is that it is flat.

Fenix shows 200EMA @ 943.56

Posted by hornsant on 12th of Jun 2009 at 09:07 am

Fenix shows 200EMA @ 943.56


Posted by hornsant on 11th of Jun 2009 at 07:21 pm

Tomorrow is Mr Paulson and Mr Barnanke's grilling time ... maybe that will chop the mkt  tomorrow. Mr Paulson could refresh memories of the very recent past, if next week we can arrange an extensive interview to GWB then we might get a mkt tsunami... fed up with the chop chop mkt.

Matt I continue to belive

regarding the systems

Posted by hornsant on 11th of Jun 2009 at 04:28 pm

Matt I continue to belive that in such a tight range it is very difficult for the mechs, it is not the sistem's is the chop chop mkt.


Posted by hornsant on 11th of Jun 2009 at 04:24 pm

Sorry it is a weekly chart so next week should be down as long as tomorrow closes within the range of the week


Posted by hornsant on 11th of Jun 2009 at 12:14 pm

In the watch list geting closer to the BO

10 year yield 3.99% and climbing

Posted by hornsant on 10th of Jun 2009 at 02:11 pm

They say that they are already working on a NASCAR version.


Posted by hornsant on 9th of Jun 2009 at 12:04 pm

It is a no-go day, I am off to see the real world, chiao, see you all at the close. Good luck.


Posted by hornsant on 9th of Jun 2009 at 09:49 am

There are two bond auctions, starting Wednesday with the 10s, the result of that auction will set the tone for yields and the mkt going forward in the short term. 

It is something to have


Posted by hornsant on 9th of Jun 2009 at 08:45 am

It is something to have in mind, but do not get biased about it because it could turn to be a sell the newsevent,  it will surely move the mkt though.

One simple question: the high


Posted by hornsant on 8th of Jun 2009 at 04:13 pm

One simple question: the high print today was 41.30, the same as the low of wave 1, so: Is that considered overlap ?


Posted by hornsant on 8th of Jun 2009 at 11:04 am

It is coming down in the decline so the mkt is finding support here... we will see what the afternoon brings. Keeping an eye on URE.


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