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Posted by george_l on 17th of May 2010 at 01:30 am
Title: New Video

Hussman's weekly commentaryis in agreement. As


Posted by george_l on 12th of Apr 2010 at 03:34 pm

Hussman's weekly commentaryis in agreement.

As of last week, the Market Climate for stocks remained characterized by strenuous overvaluation, strenuous overbought conditions, overbullish sentiment, and hostile yield pressures. True to its short-term form in these conditions, the market pushed to yet another marginal new high last week. The tendency for the market to shrug off widely observed overbought conditions may make it seem that these conditions don't matter. But I can't stress enough that the pattern of short-term continuation to marginal new highs is quite typical once the market establishes this syndrome of conditions, following which abrupt, nearly vertical losses are also typical- if unpredictable in timing.

Markets On the Fast Track to Hitting a Wall

Posted by george_l on 5th of Apr 2010 at 10:32 pm
Title: Debt and Sentiment means very risky market

Sentiment says we are at extremes on numerous fronts. Here's another readingafter today's action. Upside should be very limited here and being heavily long extremely risky. Cash is king here IMO.

Sentiment reaching extremes?

Posted by george_l on 5th of Apr 2010 at 01:09 pm
Title: Yet another sentiment indicator signaling caution

You can add this weeks

At the crossroads?

Posted by george_l on 5th of Apr 2010 at 12:37 pm

You can add this weeks comments from Hussmanas another analyst who is concerned and relies on historical extremes to guide him. The market has become a casino which ignores all bad news even though the economy is overwhelmed with it. It continues to not matter. Its the only game in town with unlimited support for another bubble from the Federal Reserve.

This entire rally has been produced with borrowed money in the many Trillions, a total lack of the rule of law, ongoing accounting fraud or without any fear or penalties for the corruption being perpetrated. Some day this will all matter. The question will be exactly what the Federal Reserve can still do once this latest bubble it's creating breaks. Interest rates and taxes have no place to go but up. If that too is ignored, you know we have entered the twilight zone.


Posted by george_l on 30th of Mar 2010 at 01:30 am
Title: FREE insurance for all but just who will be left to pay for it?

Healthcare Stocks

Posted by george_l on 22nd of Mar 2010 at 03:34 pm
Title: Why investors may be getting this wrong.

Links Not Displaying correctly

RUT 15 Update

Posted by george_l on 27th of Jan 2010 at 04:36 pm


I am not a subscriber to Stockcharts. It's great when separate links are displayed that non subscribers can view. However, as a new member I notice that virtually all the links provided by Matt are viewable correctly whereas the links provided by Steve do not display least for me. Are each of you creating the links for non subscribers differently?



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