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5,3,3 went Negative ..eom

Posted by frank on 30th of Jan 2009 at 09:56 am

Here you go.

Take a look at this.....

Posted by frank on 29th of Jan 2009 at 09:49 pm

ESI SS Opinions

Posted by frank on 29th of Jan 2009 at 12:25 pm

Matt, Dodger...can you give any insight on ESI SS trade.

I see a double top on the weekly..and overbought reading on the RSI and a completed ABC pattern.


SPX wave counts

Posted by frank on 28th of Jan 2009 at 11:32 am

CNBC talking about Plan for

Banking, FAS

Posted by frank on 27th of Jan 2009 at 05:29 pm

CNBC talking about Plan for Bank Toxic Debts - see article


Posted by frank on 27th of Jan 2009 at 05:12 pm

Covered my AEM short and went long right at the bottom of the trendline. Positive divergence in play.

Any thoughts ?


I have many trading friends

Matt - Computer

Posted by frank on 26th of Jan 2009 at 06:38 pm

I have many trading friends who have bought from www.tradingcomputers.comand are very satisfied if anyone is looking for a computer that handles multiple screens.

PS .  I have no affiliation with this company whatsoever.


Gold Stocks

Posted by frank on 26th of Jan 2009 at 11:58 am

Many Gold stocks this morning have formed a naked bar which is a reversal signal.

AEM is down $ 3 + dollars from its high. Pattern completion of the breakout was to $ just fell a tad short.

ABX is down $ 2.50 from its intra day high.

And as Matt mentioned GDX hit 200 day MA.

Going long here looks really risky.

Triangle Measurement

Posted by frank on 23rd of Jan 2009 at 05:01 am

Hi Matt,Steve,

Based on the descending triangle you have shown in the newsletter and it being wave 5 can you predict what the target area is for this wave if it were to breakdown on the downside ?


Matt, are you able to

Blog Auto Refresh

Posted by frank on 2nd of Jan 2009 at 02:08 pm

Matt, are you able to refresh the time intervals on the blog so we dont need to keep refreshing the page ?

Blog Auto Refresh

Posted by frank on 2nd of Jan 2009 at 01:57 pm

Anyone know if there is an auto-refresh for this blog...if so how to enable it.

That is a fantastic feature.

I really appreciate you taking the time during the day to explain things and keep us in the right direction.


Re : DPO setting on Stockcharts

GDX 6 min chart.png

Posted by frank on 30th of Dec 2008 at 12:59 pm


Do you know how to get the dpo setting on stockcharts. When I draw my chart with DPO I dont get a single line.

Mechanical Systems

Posted by frank on 17th of Dec 2008 at 02:10 am

Is there anyone from Canada that uses a Canadian Brokerage to inwest with the mechanical systems...if so can you please PM me.



Tonight Update

Posted by frank on 20th of Nov 2008 at 10:57 pm


I am a little confused now. You showed 2 charts of the S&P. In the first chart it shows that we are in wave 3 of 5 and in the second chart it shows we are in 5 of this correct.

Any idea how high wave 4 should take us too ?


Steve, Thanks again for the follow

Posted by frank on 10th of Oct 2008 at 01:40 am


Thanks again for the follow up nightly report explaining the details in full of what we may expect.

The short two day rally you mentioned that occured in mid Sept happened to occur after a decline in the mkt and right before options expiry. Knowing that the market has declined once again since the last expiry day ( dow - 25 % ) it is then probably the likelihood that we get some quick, meaningful snap back rally as you alluded too...and probably before this expiry day.

I guess my question is...Can we assume we will get a market rally before next fridays option expiry date since the market makers will try to kill the many puts ?

I am no expert in the market makers position in retrospect to option expiry date. So I ask you if you know.




Posted by frank on 25th of Aug 2008 at 02:37 pm

Can anyone recommend a good options newsletter ?

Thanks in advance


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