
    Posted by sandlamp on 14th of Feb 2010 at 09:30 am

     I posted this question last week but never got an answer so hoping someone (Steve or Matt) will see it this weekend! Are their guidelines on when to use the 60 period vs the 144 period?  It seems like I've seen short term charts (15/30/60 minute charts) with both 60 and 144 period stochastics.  And I think I've seen longer term daily/wkly charts with both.  So my question is why do you sometimes use 144 vs 60 period stochastics on any variety of time frames?  Thanks!

    slow sto

    Posted by revelation on 15th of Feb 2010 at 01:27 pm
    Basically, you test. For example: if the 60 is too choppy, try the 89 and 144. You don't want to use an indicator that whips you in and out, less you are very savy.

    I think the 144 gives

    Posted by sobrien on 14th of Feb 2010 at 08:05 pm

    I think the 144 gives a more "ironed out" view and are less choppy



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