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Posted by sandlamp on 12th of Nov 2010 at 08:58 am

Matt, you had a 66/65 level on BA as an interesting longer term level to watch.  Now that it has gone down to it what is your view on ownin

g BA?  Thanks

POT is down on this news.  I think longer term this bodes well for the stock price.  What do you think of the stock action in POT?

interesting site - have you had much experience with it?  How is it's accuracy?


Thank you!

5 min SPX and 10 min Renko

Posted by sandlamp on 1st of Sep 2010 at 03:10 pm

Thank you!

Renko and GDX

5 min SPX and 10 min Renko

Posted by sandlamp on 1st of Sep 2010 at 02:59 pm

Matt do you have a dynamic renko chart on the site for GDX?  Thanks

trading remotely

Posted by sandlamp on 28th of Feb 2010 at 09:38 am

Does anyone have any experience with putting on trades via a Smartphone?  My work schedule prevents me from sometimes being away from my computer and I'm considering buying a smart phone to monitor the market/trades.  I trade off of Think or Swim's platform so if anyone has any experience with that I'd love to hear any good or bad thoughts.  Thanks


Ditch, is that an indication

$VIX & Put Call ratio

Posted by sandlamp on 22nd of Feb 2010 at 12:36 pm

Ditch, is that an indication then that the market should go lower?  Or higher?  Or just an indication that the market should move?



Posted by sandlamp on 14th of Feb 2010 at 09:30 am

 I posted this question last week but never got an answer so hoping someone (Steve or Matt) will see it this weekend! Are their guidelines on when to use the 60 period vs the 144 period?  It seems like I've seen short term charts (15/30/60 minute charts) with both 60 and 144 period stochastics.  And I think I've seen longer term daily/wkly charts with both.  So my question is why do you sometimes use 144 vs 60 period stochastics on any variety of time frames?  Thanks!

Matt did you see my question early this morning about how and when to use 144 stochastics vs 60 stochastics?  After hours reply is fine just wanted to make sure you saw my question.  Thanks!


Posted by sandlamp on 11th of Feb 2010 at 07:41 am

Matt after listening to the update a question came up about the 60 period and 144 period stochastics.  Are their guidelines on when to use the 60 period vs the 144 period?  It seems like I've seen short term charts (15/30/60 minute charts) with both 60 and 144 period stochastics.  And I think I've seen longer term daily/wkly charts with both.  So my question is why do you sometimes use 144 vs 60 period stochastics on any variety of time frames?  Thanks!

I watching EZCH also.  Am

EZCH Primed to Rise

Posted by sandlamp on 10th of Feb 2010 at 05:36 pm

I watching EZCH also.  Am long July 7.5 calls.  


Yes it helps.  Thanks.  I'm slowly learning elliott wave counts.


Joseph, just curious how you determined to draw your trendline where you did.  The upper trendline doesn't line up with the high's in May/June.  I always thought when you draw trendline you take a low or high and connect it to the next low/high.  So in your screenshot, if you took your low of PAAS off Nov/Dec08 and connected it to the next around March 09 you would have already broken below the channel.  I'm not saying your trendlines are wrong... just wondering if there is another way to look at drawing trendline that I'm not aware of.  Thanks!


sounds great  I'd be interested

Interactive Webinar

Posted by sandlamp on 28th of Jan 2010 at 12:31 pm

sounds great  I'd be interested (not sure how to email you)

is volume or the issues more important usually?  The up volume is higher than the down volume but advancing issues are lower??  Or is this just showing a market without convicition?

Thanks for posting the internals - they are very helpful to see throughout the day and I work so dont have access to some of the important data points.

Daily video update

Posted by sandlamp on 21st of Jan 2010 at 07:27 am

Great video last night Matt.  I really appreciate all your hard work each day and when you can get everything covered in 20 minutes that is awesome!  Keep it up.  Looking forward to the intermediate 401K systems.

watchlist question

Posted by sandlamp on 14th of Jan 2010 at 07:34 am

on watchlist what is GSPC?  Go short the overall market?

Nano and volume


Posted by sandlamp on 8th of Jan 2010 at 11:32 am

Matt, why is it bullish that the volume has contracted?  Is it because as it has gone down or consolidated it has done so on lower volume?  Thus the implication is if it was really bearish that the stock was going lower or consolidating it would do so on higher volume?  I guess I'm answering my own question!  But it's always been a little confusing that it's bullish to see a triange pattern with low volume.


Matt, I'm new here so


Posted by sandlamp on 30th of Dec 2009 at 10:06 am

Matt, I'm new here so maybe I'm not looking in the right place but I dont see JNK on the watchlist.  I'm wondering about it for a longer term trade. 


Posted by sandlamp on 30th of Dec 2009 at 09:03 am

I heard Jim Ross on Fast$ last night talk about JNK a high yield corporate bond fund - 12% yield.  Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  I know next to nothing about bonds!


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