The MACD trick with the


    Posted by matt on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 03:24 pm

    The MACD trick with the waves 3 and 5 is really a good piece of information that a lot of people dont' know off hand.  Steve and I learned that trick years ago and it has been a great tool, really helps identifying them etc. 

    I'd like to see your count

    Posted by perthx on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 03:38 pm

    because the way I see it doesn't make any sense with any of the previous counts we were guessing at. Where does your wave 3 start and how do you break it down? if I understand you correctly the current low is what?

    Can't be the end of 3? there isn't a 5 wave count that makes sense as all the internal wave 3s would be shortest.

    The only way i can figure it is if the current low at 1094 ish is the end of wave 3 of 5 of the bigger 3. Any input from anyone would be appreciated.

    ok here's my count

    Posted by perthx on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 04:00 pm
    Title: MY COUNT

    We are definitely in wave

    Posted by junkie on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 04:29 pm

    We are definitely in wave 3 of some sort, MACD stochastics are pointing straight down of 5 minute charts. Perhaps, 1085 would be the target for the end of it. I am not betting on it, as the market could go lower.


    Posted by saturn6 on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 04:34 pm

    a day earlier would have been more appreciated. Wink

    yeah, ouch!

    Posted by junkie on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 05:49 pm

    Well, I was surprised of that prediction too; I got it from somebody on this site who subscribed to Corey Rosenbloom. I would ask for a similar thing from Steve and Matt, when they do an intraday update. Although with all fairness, this could have been predicted: a support band would usually mean the bottom of that band, as far as stopping a decline. I remember seeing the same thing in fall 2008 on HUI as the final target of the drop: the support band there turned out to be the bottom of that band, 150.

    This market is very tricky, so giving multiple targets and a way to check which one would be next depending on how the market behaved on the preceding one, is a must, IMO.

    Also, perhaps Matt and Steve could provide an additional service of providing their intraday indicators from TS, such as $tick,$add, slopes for those who check the site intraday or for those who have a special subscription for extra $5-10 a month. This is similar to Matt's idea of providing real time intraday data for an small extra fee. I personally don't like trading blind, and I cannot afford to watch the screen all day: I have a day job. I am reconsidering going against the market to play the market without having enough intraday information to make informed decisions. I closed a half of my shorts too early this morning :(

    SPX 10

    Posted by steve on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 04:40 pm

    I can count 7 waves down so far so this decline is not yet complete if it's an impulse. My advice is to take all the shorter term counts with a grain of salt and to respect any triggers you get when trading.  Take care.$RUT&p=60&yr=0&mn=2&dy=18&id=p65637302382&a=182215102&listNum=61

    Thanks for all the wonderful input here today.


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