

    Posted by rafe on 19th of Jun 2008 at 04:43 pm

    Have been trading railsfor years but ONLY on buy side.  This is a perfect aot or aoc industry that benefits in may ways.  Our biggest mistake was Gooberment giving up on rails in favor of massive Interstate system.  Nowv we scream about high gas prices----a joke! It is all done for BIGGER GOOBERMENT!  The New Deal kept us in a depression far longer than most countries!

    If you think Middle East can drudge out more oil for us, I do not think so.  But then Obamaination has something for every-one.  And the masses buy into it. Do you?

    If you saw Congressman Waters speak(what a joke for politician) to President of Shell you would have puked!  I hope more are getting involved.  Go Downsize Government DC.  They make it easy for you/ I contribute but do not have too.




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