Screwed twice at the open

    Posted by ditch on 7th of Jan 2010 at 09:58 am

    I wondered if anyone else had this problem today?

    I had a stop of $2.08 on AXAS which was triggered by a low ball bid but the stock never even traded there.

    Then on AHD my stop of $6.55 was done the same way.

    I sure wish the SEC would change this rule, it sucks that there only has to be a bid and not a trade to trigger these stops. But then that would help us little guys who arn't "big enough to fail" !

    Didn't have that problem today

    Posted by seadelight on 7th of Jan 2010 at 10:22 am

    Didn't have that problem today but i did last week.  No help from the "new" Merrill though.  The best advice given to me when I asked the same question was to close out at the end of the day or just keep your stops to yourself and enter them a few minutes after the open each day to avoid this exact situation.  I was watching the TS Matrix yesterday and saw the same thing happen to someone else.  Quick drop to pick up some stops at the open then right back to the close from the day before.  Some specialist is making money doing that at our expense.

    stops don't get elected if

    Posted by steever on 7th of Jan 2010 at 10:22 am

    stops don't get elected if the market is bid at your stop.  a trade must be made at the price for it to elect.   You should call your clearing house and get AXAS reversed.   

    as far as AHD goes, well, that's just tough luck and part of the game.    

    keep in mind trading these super thin stocks is different than trading deep stocks.  you need to be more careful about when and how you place your stops.  many times i'll use stop close only, which is more risky but avoids market maker flushes.     otherwise i won't leave them out there for the open if price is close to my stop. i trade out myself.   If price is away, I'll enter after the opening 5 or 10 min.    

    good luck.

    Title: stop at the close stever,

    Posted by junkie on 7th of Jan 2010 at 10:44 am
    Title: stop at the close

    No, at the close of

    Posted by steever on 7th of Jan 2010 at 11:10 am

    No, at the close of the DAY.  your stop will only be elected if the closing price of the day is beyond your stop level.    for example, using AHD, if you have a 6.55 sell stop close only, your stop would not have been elected at the low earlier today.  only if it closes at or below 6.55 at the end of the day.  if it doesn't, you're still alive in the trade, which at the current 6.85 price, is looking good.   as I said, it's more risky because price can end up at 6.00 and you'd be exiting there.   But on the other hand, you avoid getting taken out during stop seeking intraday flushes and spikes.    hope that helps.

    Thanks again, I don't think that

    Posted by ditch on 7th of Jan 2010 at 11:22 am

    Thanks again,

    I don't think that takes the risk out either, I don't see that there is a good option for me at this time. I've been on the phone with the SEC for what that's worth.

    If any one else wants to complain about this practice send an email to 

    I talked to both Schwab

    Posted by ditch on 7th of Jan 2010 at 10:26 am

    I talked to both Schwab and TDameritrade and they both said it was subject to the bid and not  the trade. But you are right, If I'd place a "Stop Limit" this wouldn't have happened on AXAS but it still would have on AHD.  It's just a problem for me as I don't always have the time to sit here and watch all day. I tend to catch the open and close of the markets but try to do other things during the day. It's always the open when this happens so I may just change my way of placing stops. turn them on an off every morning.......

    Thanks for the input.

    bad fill

    Posted by carpru on 7th of Jan 2010 at 10:06 am

    I have had bad fills before, and i have called the broker and complained. Sometimes they will give you a better price if the stock never traded that level. I use fidelity, and they have given me a better price, however they will tell you that sometimes the market makers give higher prices to small lots. worth a try..hope this helps? also for that reason, I don't like to leave stops on overnite. I either sell it or take the stop off..just my humble thoughts..Carl

    Thanks Carl, I had called

    Posted by ditch on 7th of Jan 2010 at 10:13 am

    Thanks Carl, I had called and no Schwab didn't offer to correct it. I have an account at TDAmeritrade too and sometimes they will offer free trades but then this is a problem with the market rules and not the brokerage houses. I agree the only way around this is to truely be a "day trader" and sell out at EOD or place the stops after the markets open and settle down but that's not always possible for me.

    I was Just venting.........,......


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