I've been hesitant to take on new longs since we're up near the top of the rectagle. My strategy has really been this - buy bullish stocks near the bottom, and short bearish ones near the top. When this thing breaks one way or the other, I'll be well positioned with both long and short positions. And when I'm stopped out on either my longs or shorts, then I'll likely already have a small profit (or at least be at breakeven - well positioned for the bigger move).

    yep understand.  I put the

    Posted by matt on 21st of Dec 2009 at 10:48 am

    yep understand.  I put the trade ideas out as trade ideas only.  Do what is comfortable to you, be picky, etc and don't over trade.  Just because the trade ideas are there doesn't mean you have to take them, only do them if they are taking volume and look good.  This is a light trading week and prone to false breakouts, so be picky.  Or just take the week off if you feel like it!! 

    treat the watch list as a list of trade ideas, it is not a model portfolio.  If the market goes higher, so will the longs, and if not, they won't play out, no big deal. 


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