Martin Armstrong....

    Posted by marketguy on 14th of Dec 2009 at 08:16 pm

    doesn't believe in a "C" wave coming (can't say I blame him as I "WISH" I had never heard of a "C" wave or Elliot Wave analysis for that matter) fact he is looking for new all time highs in the next couple/few years (read his recent report at the link below)....

    New Bull Market

    Posted by pdquig on 15th of Dec 2009 at 01:08 pm

    Sure, as long as the consuming can all be done by China, Brazil, India et al. We're still a little under water back in the USSA.

    Just look forward and trade

    Posted by matt on 14th of Dec 2009 at 08:31 pm

    Just look forward and trade the charts.  I'm focusing a lot more on trade ideas going forward and cutting down the market analysis.  Let's all focus on having a good year in 2010 trading the trend (whether it's up or down) and trading individual stocks.  If you trade stocks and make 10% - 20% every few weeks on them, that really adds up. 

    Using a baseball analogy; you don't need to hit home runs, a lot of 'singles' and 'doubles' really add up over time. 


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