can anyone offer a rational explanation

    Posted by biketastic on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:08 am

    .. for what's happening - apart from "it's bs"?  As a Brit we have had 12 years of Gordon Brown so we are experts on BS.  LOL

    But seriously, market up, dollar up.  It's contrary to all of the excellent tutelage we gain from Matt and Steve in the updates.

    Is it possible that this is a big head fake?

    Title: Interest rates to rise? Maybe

    Posted by cal1 on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:21 am
    Title: Interest rates to rise?

    XLF testing downward trendline today

    Posted by safadig on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:28 am

    Don't worry, be happy

    Posted by perthx on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:17 am

    That's as rational an explanation as I can find!

    Anything is possible, including a concerted effort to buy this market and keep it high for the rest of the month. Or a giant last gasp up head fake.

    The dollar may yet assert some influence on the markets but until it confirms a bottom, who really knows. This high frequency of supper volatile stock market days reminds me of the weeks and days before the top in '87.

    My best guess would say that IF the markets were to turn around and drop later in the day to even or lower, then Monday could be really ugly. But seriously, I expect them to hold it up as best as they can through the close.

    god yeah I'm glad we

    Posted by matt on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:17 am

    god yeah I'm glad we don't have Gordon Brown, I've felt sorry for you guys for years. Didn't Gordon Brown basically sell England's gold reserves basically at the lows in 2001?

    anyway we'll see what happens, during inflection points, relationships like the dollar/market/Euro can do things like that.  The relationship has held for a long time, we can't make conclusions that the relationship is broken after just a couple hrs in the morning, you need to see a lot more then that to conclude a relationship is over, you need days not hrs. 

    Gordon Brown

    Posted by parki48 on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:31 am
    Title: yes he did

    gordon is a moron

    Posted by biketastic on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:30 am

    ..  enjoy, especially the chorus 2 minutes in.

    oh, and yes, he did sell our gold at around $250

    It's possible. From the point

    Posted by junkie on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:16 am

    It's possible. From the point of game playing, it does not matter. Stick to your senses and follow them, don't rationalize every move. The reason is always after the fact. Good luck!

    head fake in my opinion.

    Posted by Palladin on 4th of Dec 2009 at 10:14 am

    head fake in my opinion. But when you bring logical and rational into the mix I cower, because it has only backfired for me in the past.

    It is the ultimate irony (and I have done some back testing on this) had I done exactly the opposite of what was rational and logical in the past year and a half, I'd be stinking rich!

    My boat is still bobbing in the distant horizon, can't seem to catch a good wind!




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