Amen, joecho. I might add, for further confirmation, one might want to wait until those 50 dmas are pointing up as well and the 50 dmas of the major indices are pointing down. Then buy/short a low-volume reaction back to the 50 dma. This would indicate that the trend truly has changed.

    The dollar's looking pretty nice right now for a long swing trade,  IFit can manage to spend enough time above its 50 dma to turn it up. Everyone seems to expect it to fall much much more over the next little while. I've heard 3 or 4 "lay" people in the past few weeks tell me that they think gold will go to $1,600 or $2,000 shortly. While that's a possibility, I doubt that the market will deny itself the chance to rob many such people of their hard earned money.


    Posted by gabebristow on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 11:02 pm

    I agree good call


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