
    Posted by marketguy on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 06:11 pm

    here we freaking go again....just when you think maybe, just maybe you can get a little downside bac announces tarp payback just after 5pm...up .50 after hrs...

    what a joke....they are hiding more crap on their balance sheet that you can shake a stick at (and not marking a damn thing to market btw) yet here you go...unfrickingbelievable....all you bulls can start shorting now because I bloody give up.

    And the funny but not so funny thing is: is

    Posted by gabebristow on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 09:01 pm

    that we will all be on the sidelines once the market douches decide to bring the market where it is suppose to be...

    being robbed

    Posted by thebeav on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 07:10 pm

    This country is so screwed. We are being robbed blind by the very financial institutions that most people trust. Follow the trading trend because nothing else is making sense. Lies, lies and more lies. 


    Posted by parki48 on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 07:05 pm

    l am in the UK so read this a bit late, but isnt that just damn typical, here l am short the market thinking we are nearly there and they have done it again, l have to keep my trades small til after xmas, its the only way l will survive.

    and they're only paying tarp

    Posted by Michael on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 07:02 pm

    and they're only paying tarp back to not be subject to oversight.

    "exactly"....great point Michael....

    Posted by marketguy on 2nd of Dec 2009 at 07:26 pm

    "exactly"....great point Michael....


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