In Case...

    Posted by saturn6 on 30th of Nov 2009 at 12:35 pm

    You wondered what the US National Debt looked like, The Uk's probably looks a lot worse...

    Us Canadians are going to

    Posted by lpwise on 30th of Nov 2009 at 12:47 pm

    Us Canadians are going to buy your country wholesale at this rate ! Tongue out

    (Just kidding, but noticing Canadian banks have held up quite well inspite of Dubai)

    The only reason Canadian Banks

    Posted by huylam on 30th of Nov 2009 at 02:39 pm

    The only reason Canadian Banks have held up so far is because they've unloaded all their 5,10 percent 30-40 years mortgages onto the CMHC. And the only reason RE has not collapsed (yet) in Canada is because the CMHC has backstopped all the new 5-10% mortgages. I guess we can call those Subprime Mortgages Eh! Story on CMHC

    Excellent point. I was just

    Posted by lpwise on 30th of Nov 2009 at 02:49 pm

    Excellent point. I was just joking around but believe me, I don't put Canadian bankers on a pedestal when compared to the Americans. They can be just as arrogant/greedy and short-sighted.

    However, we must admit, the greatest trend follower investors love the displacement these repeating historical human patterns tend to create. Gov't intervention helps them make money also.


    I hear ya, and I

    Posted by huylam on 30th of Nov 2009 at 03:13 pm

    I hear ya, and I totally agree with your view about ' ... investors love the displacement...'. Sometimes I have to remind myself to just follow the money and watch the charts and and  not get all 'funny-mental'. It does make me sad as a Canadian that we're just doing the same damm thing and a lot of my friends have gotten sucked into the 5% down 30 year mortgages. Please keep posting, I enjoy your views. 

    The amount of debt being

    Posted by steve on 30th of Nov 2009 at 12:43 pm

    The amount of debt being issued is not sustainable - we have simply shifted the bubble from the private to the public sector.  This clearly is my biggest concern longer term.


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