I agree with user32.     I

    Your statement

    Posted by algyros on 29th of Nov 2009 at 08:10 am

    I agree with user32.  


    I just wanted to add is that moments like this are why, in my opinion, we need to have a section in the Premium Contents where Matt and Steve indicate their view of the long-term and intermediate terms.  It can be very simple, something like "Bullish," "Neutral," or "Bearish."  Such a section would give members a clear, simple, and unambiguous summary of Matt and Steve's sense of where the market is going.  

    Matt & Steve could do

    Posted by user32 on 29th of Nov 2009 at 11:49 pm

    Matt & Steve could do that, but I think a good pair of moving averages on an index can do that just as well. If your 20 dma is pointing down, then the short-term trend is down. But if the 50 dma is up, then the longer-term trend is up. Since the April-May period, the 50 dma has been up the whole time, while the 20 dma has only been down for 2 weeks back in July. Otherwise it's been up the whole time too. That's pretty good trend predicting in my book! 

    Good idea. There is a lot

    Posted by knaub on 29th of Nov 2009 at 09:23 pm

    Good idea.

    There is a lot of talking and chart summations each night; One would have

    to be as smart as Matt and Steve to understand it all.

    I would like that premium add on too

    Posted by gabebristow on 29th of Nov 2009 at 10:15 am

    If there was a 15 min, hourly, daily section with their thoughts on direction of the spx per say.  With green or red arrows possibly.  Or I guess I could just draw some trend lines on my charts and do it myself.  Oh yeah, learn to fish instead of going to Safeway and buying it..  Food for thought, good trading next week all


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