Still no bears?

    Posted by kalinm on 20th of Nov 2009 at 12:24 pm

    On every other sell off, bears on this blog were euphoric (myself included).  Interesting on this sell-off, most people are agreeing that we are going to see higher prices or re-tests of highs, or the infamous "head and shoulders".  Maybe bears have been beaten into submission so badly that we are afraid to jinx ourselves.  Maybe I'm reading into this too much.  What I see is that bulls are like trapped rats right now!  We broke over that LT bear trendline... on a gap up and barely held it (on horrible volume) for three days.  Now we have a pretty clear island reversal (dare I say "top").  Isn't that fakeout extremely bearish?  That news from zerohedge yesterday about the negative yields on the t-bills was ENORMOUS news!  Something is up that is not out in the markets yet.  IMO, if that island reversal is to hold, there won't be any penetration of 1095 or higher.  Looking at this objectively, as a bear wanting to swing some shorts, I see 1095 as an area that should not get taken out.  Head and shoulders patterns are traps!

    Bears are all broke

    Posted by gabebristow on 20th of Nov 2009 at 12:38 pm

    just kidding, but I am sure a lot have been injured by this crazy arse market

    crazy market indeed

    Posted by parki48 on 20th of Nov 2009 at 12:43 pm
    Title: lost loads


    Posted by parki48 on 20th of Nov 2009 at 12:38 pm
    Title: bear


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