SPX 15

    Posted by steve on 13th of Nov 2009 at 01:26 pm

    Here are the Bullish and Bearish Counts that I see.  I must favor the Bullish Count until I see selling materialize.

    Please elaborate: you refer to SPY and $SPX on same chart?

    Posted by klatuu on 13th of Nov 2009 at 01:36 pm

    What are you asking?

    Posted by steve on 13th of Nov 2009 at 01:57 pm

    What are you asking?


    Posted by Michael on 13th of Nov 2009 at 02:04 pm

    steve -- on your sedond chsrt the price labeling is wrong for your high number -- you have 101.xx  but its an SPX chart...............

    That number should be 1101.97 Sorry

    Posted by steve on 13th of Nov 2009 at 02:10 pm

    That number should be 1101.97

    Sorry for the typo.


    Posted by RM686 on 13th of Nov 2009 at 02:31 pm

    Three cheers for Steve I know what he talking about even with the typo. Just thought he was referring to the last 5 digits.

    Anyway thanks Steve for making things simple. I really appreciate updates like this which make things as simple as possible.

    I second that.  Great help,

    Posted by bobkatg on 13th of Nov 2009 at 03:10 pm

    I second that.  Great help, Steve!

    SPX 15

    Posted by philr on 13th of Nov 2009 at 03:05 pm

    What a difference an hour makes. Need new charts now! Heading towards 1085.


    Posted by perthx on 13th of Nov 2009 at 03:20 pm

    don't think so....looks like you were posting at the short term bottom...the SPX just bounced on you. Ahh maybe this bounce is only wave "b of a bigger abc down?

    Or maybe we have the b wave in for a wave 2 up...that 60 min  60 period STO hasn't cracked 80 yet...

    My gut says a small bounce Monday, maybe to 1101.43 [or only 1096.50] and then more heavy downside....who knows?



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