Title: Getting money back from

    Posted by doodlebug on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 11:34 am
    Title: Getting money back from brokers?

    Title: options v. short ETFs thanx

    Posted by doodlebug on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 01:36 pm
    Title: options v. short ETFs

    diversifying brokerages

    Posted by dallassteve on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 12:23 pm

    Steve, thanks for thinking about what brokers will do if we have a really severe decline.  I look forward to your ideas.  I am even contemplating liquidating my IRAs at some point and paying the penalty.  Too extreme?

    I was glad to read your post, bgrateful4.
    I have been doing exactly the same thing, and have communicated in PMs on this blog, but thought this was kind of off topic.  Maybe it will become more important if the economic landscape changes.

    I am a small fish, but I have three brokerage companies, and I have one third of my assets in physical gold and silver.  I want to add more if we get a pullback in gold.

    WOW, 1/3 of you assets

    Posted by tom on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 12:46 pm

    WOW, 1/3 of you assets in Gold!  That's a lot but man you have been right over the past years.  I read an article once that I thought was somewhat apropo which said have about 3% of your net worth in gold or like physical asset (silver, tin, copper).  I would even argue that 1% could be enough because if the world got to the point where we were shaving our gold bars down to pay for things, the value of gold would be 100-300 times today's value.  The rise would be uncharted because think of what happened in the meantime - the world would have collapsed.  Which then you can argue the most valuable assets would be food, shelter, water.  Anyway I dropped my crystal ball a few years back so I cannot be of any further assistance.

    One potential scenario might be

    Posted by harveyrb708 on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 11:47 am

    One potential scenario might be that the broker's clients talking the long side of the market might not deposit funds to pay for the buy order, thus causing balance sheet distress for the broker who in turn might pass this on to the short ETF buyer.  In today's environment this does not seem impossible.

    he's talking about if we're

    Posted by Michael on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 11:39 am

    he's talking about if we're in wave P3 down and the market really tanks and the banks are in trouble and the economy is depressed -- then you'll have to be on guard because any bank or broker might fail, on the order of what was happening a year ago, only more so.  And  -- reminding myself of this as well -- now's the time to be researching and preparing and making a plan.  Maybe it doesn't happen -- but nice to have a plan if it does.  Personally I think the odds of it happening are pretty good.  They keep sweeping everything under the rug and finally the floor will rot out. 


    Posted by bgrateful4 on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 11:53 am

    Considering your statement, how diversified are U in brokerage houses and do U limit the amount of $$ @ each institution?

    I also have had this on my radar screen and was comforted that Steve is concerned also.

    I have been buying physical hard assests but not enough. I have also been putting $$ into tangible items of value such as "greening up" my place  with solar PV, water catchment and a growing dome for food year round.  I do not see things getting better for several years. I look forward to hearing what Steve has in mind.



    I have active accounts at

    Posted by Michael on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 12:00 pm

    I have active accounts at tradestation, IB and Ameritrade.  Waiting for gold to drop to add physical.  Sounds nice what you're doing.  We're looking for a house now -- just looking and waiting and looking and offering and waiting -- prices are only going lower -- and I hope we end up with at least a few acres to be able to do a large garden, etc.

    I am no big fish

    Posted by tom on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 12:11 pm

    I am no big fish but I keep 3 accounts currently as well although one of them is Scottrade and I really need to move that to Ameritrade.  I am becoming more and more impressed with their platform.  Also you can ask if the account is insured.  Not that in a complete collapse.  Its, funny Michael because I am also in the market for a home and a must for me is enough room for a greenhouse and a well or stream nearby is a plus.  I am the same way - sounds crazy but a plan isn't a bad idea to have.


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