Goldamn Sachs...Wait til you see this video

    Posted by bboylan on 16th of Oct 2009 at 07:32 pm

    Goldman Sachs Amazing Profits

    "Do You Believe In Magic" by Dylan Ratigan

    It makes me sick!

    Always remember the Golden Rule... Those

    Posted by lachasse on 17th of Oct 2009 at 01:16 pm

    Always remember the Golden Rule...

    Those with the Gold, make the rules.

    I imagine that GS would

    Posted by simon_says on 17th of Oct 2009 at 10:38 am

    I imagine that GS would argue that they were utilising the govenment money as intended. i.e. buying when everyone was selling, putting a floor underneath the market to prevent a complete financial implosion. That they took a percentage from that free money is their "due", even though their own risk was non-existant . That the government leveraged their profits with "free loans" is a financier's wet dream.

    What needs clarity is the line between privating profit and socialising losses.

    Hank & co. unfortunately were allowed to give them free money with no strings attached to the resulting profits. Just like when a bank finances your mortgage... Main thing is that credit flows. Worse would have been if they lost the money. Maybe next time they will too...

    Hola amigo. Thanks for sharing

    Posted by johnskonrady00 on 17th of Oct 2009 at 01:26 am

    Hola amigo. Thanks for sharing this video. Very damaging regarding GS' activities. Have a safe weekend. JSKonrady

    Thanks bboylan for posting the

    Posted by highnote on 16th of Oct 2009 at 08:51 pm

    Thanks bboylan for posting the video.  It was very "simple" and right to the point.

    Maybe it will go "viral" on the Internet.  I'm sure a lot of investors and even non-investors would be very interested in it.


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