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SPX Death Cross with 50/200

Posted by simon_says on 17th of Aug 2011 at 01:13 am

SPX Death Cross with 50/200 SMA, no SPX Death Cross yet with 50/200 EMA.

Jury's out. Interesting to compare both system's behaviour. I expect this to be teased out a bit longer, so a short-term rally could be on the cards.

It's only death to those still bullish in this market. It's golden to those who understand its importance. And since this summer's H+S got serious mainstream coverage this "Death Cross" will cause all CNBC to wet themselves. Definite self-fulfilling prophecy. 

OK, but then Matt & Steve need to update the description in the Long Term Tools. There is is simply called Golden Cross. Maybe it needs to be called PonR Cross (Point of no Return!)

As I type I see SPX and RUT have already crossed, SPY is very close while NDX and DJIA are on target. 

XLF (yes the frigging financials, who are both cause and thus bellweather of this meltdown, broke way back in late June 2011). This was serious heads-up.

I believe once XLF has retested 13.25, this breakdown  moves into Wave 3 downwards.

Ominous Golden Cross in Euroland

Posted by simon_says on 13th of Aug 2011 at 06:10 am

DAX and FTSE have already their golden cross. SPX looks imminent. Who fancies being long? Seriously. The DAX didn't cross in 2010 like the rest but this time it has.

XLF sticking out like a sore thumb

Posted by simon_says on 9th of Aug 2011 at 05:28 am

Even in the darkest down days of 2008/2009 XLF lay never, ever as far outside its Bollinger Bands as yet.

As per my earlier post, XLF has to hold above 12.0 or else this portends something far, far worse

Keep your eye on the USD

Posted by simon_says on 8th of Aug 2011 at 06:40 pm

The USD has barely moved today (+0.36%) after one of Wall St's all-time high massacres.

Can someone explain to me this incongruity, this disconnect of the greenback 's inverse relationship to the stock market? Is it a new paradigm?

XLF at critical level

Posted by simon_says on 8th of Aug 2011 at 06:16 pm

The financials were the harbringers of this present downturn, preceding the SPX downwards and they have fully retraced all the gains since July 2009. XLF must hold above 12 or else this correction will metastasize into something far more serious.

GFC1 versus GFC2

SPX and VIX weekly

Posted by simon_says on 5th of Aug 2011 at 02:32 am

Another term seems to be the Global Unleveraging Crisis or Global Sovereign Debt Crisis, the GFC's bigger and badder brother.


SPX and VIX weekly

Posted by simon_says on 4th of Aug 2011 at 07:00 pm

USD has also yet to confirm any serious breakout commensurate with a market meltdown. Any Chicken Littles out there need to explain this incongruity.

I make a 5 wave count down since May 2010, which is an impulsive movement

SPX and VIX weekly

Posted by simon_says on 4th of Aug 2011 at 06:32 pm

People have short memories. We have seen this before, in May 2010, at least in the VIX. The major difference here is in the SPX MACD... If 1190 holds we have only a 50% retracement, the financials would have had close to a 100% retracement.

Way too many people out there eager to say they timed the start of GFC2, particularly as they completely mistimed GFC1 or got burnt catching falling knives.

Debt wrangling: Your guide to economic chaos

Posted by simon_says on 4th of Aug 2011 at 03:20 am

Very succint analysis of the current market. Particularly interesting for those trading the Aussie dollar or bonds.

$VIX:$VXV ??

Posted by simon_says on 3rd of Aug 2011 at 09:41 am

An oldie but a goodie! May have actually triggered a peak 2 days ago.$VIX:$VXV&p=60&b=4&g=0&id=p83610475364&a=183278089&listNum=1

Confirmation on Cross of 13/34 EMA on Daily SPX

Posted by simon_says on 1st of Aug 2011 at 05:53 pm

Is that a confirmed cross on the  13/34 EMA on Daily SPX? Worth a looksee before going long. Staying in cash myself-

Love Matt's 5 min chart

Posted by simon_says on 2nd of Nov 2009 at 12:12 pm

Love Matt's 5 min chart here. Shows the market's heartbeat but good.

Title: Aussie Dollar dive and

Posted by simon_says on 1st of Nov 2009 at 10:14 am
Title: Aussie Dollar dive and Collapse of Eastern European Banks via Default Wave

Energy is accumulating in this


Posted by simon_says on 31st of Oct 2009 at 07:32 pm

Energy is accumulating in this triangle so a (put/call) spread strategy or at least a covered call would be advisable.

All momentum indicators on oil now are screaming "Gangway!" Do you want to put yourself in its path?

Looks like a reflexive bounce

Posted by simon_says on 30th of Oct 2009 at 01:40 pm

Looks like a reflexive bounce off the 10min downtrend line...

CIT, Icahn reach a tentative

Posted by simon_says on 30th of Oct 2009 at 01:21 pm

CIT, Icahn reach a tentative deal on restructuring. Icahn will provide a $1 billion backup line to CIT.


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