Between the bloodsuckers and the SEC doing the banksters bidding, it will eventually become prohibitively difficult for small investors to use short and leveraged instruments. I'm beginning to see that this is a long-only market and that as sheep we're supposed to shut up and accept an annual shearing to enable those $750,000/person quarterly bonuses at GS.

    They're pushin' too hard, pushin' too hard, on me.

    Can't believe anyone is old

    Posted by seadelight on 1st of Sep 2009 at 10:16 am

    Can't believe anyone is old enough to remember the lyrics to a song by the Seeds from the 60's.



    ther government is in bed

    Posted by dylan398 on 1st of Sep 2009 at 10:12 am

    ther government is in bed with market....the higher they can keep the market..the more shares companies can sell to boost that if and when they bring back "mark to market" accounting....they won't need more $$


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