arl3080 - Alright, please tell me


    Posted by matt on 17th of Apr 2008 at 11:06 pm

    arl3080 - Alright, please tell me why it sucks in detail!  Is it the channel filters you don't like??  I can get rid of them and make it like the old blog, what is it? I asked you guys to play with the blog this week to give me some feedback by I didn't hear much from anyone. 

    Anyway please please tell me what sucks about it because I can still have things changed!  So please write me a detailed post; telling me it sucks doesn't help me, just makes me feel bad for spending so much time and money on it with the intention of making it better for you guys, that was the whole point.

    Again, I can have my programmer change anything on this blog, I can get rid of the filters, change the way we post, etc, however I NEED FEEDBACK!!  I could have just one continuous flowing main blog like we had before, however we already do, just hit all messages each time, then it works just the same as the old blog!

    I need feedback from more than one person, so rather than clogging up this space, please post your responses in Ask Matt

    Things can be changed and improved guys.  I didn't expect this new blog to be perfect on the first run i.e. I expected we would find problems/bugshowever then I would fix them.  Realize that this BLOG was not something that I bought, we had to program this from the ground up!

    New Blog

    Posted by poohnana on 18th of Apr 2008 at 06:28 am

    Dear Matt,

    The new blog is great.  Thanks so much for making it easier to read. ( I don't know why I can't get the font size to stay larger in this message- have tried several times and it just reverts to tiny! 

    I am very excited about the long term trades section and also the audio alerts.  There will be nothing to compare with your website.  Thanks for all of your hard work - it is much appreciated by all. 

    MATT--Don't get me wrong,I know

    Posted by arl3080 on 17th of Apr 2008 at 11:58 pm

    MATT--Don't get me wrong,I know you put a lot of time and effort and $ into this change and I appreciate that..It's just that I was used to posting a message from the blog and not having to click this or that(everything was there)..I like the messages to you..I was trying to reply before, then I realized that there was a reply button..Oh and a new window pops up for the reply..I dont like that--I liked it when everything was there and you posted and clicked submit--done...Couldn't that be inside the ask Matt section like the old blog except it has sections--which is fine

    Matt--I will get used to it.It's just that this was or seemed like a major change to me..I like the commodities section and market analysis section too..As far as the speed,to me doesn't seem any faster as I have a very fast connection and the older blog was fast for me

    Anyway,just give me GREAT technical analysis like always and I will manage my way around the rest of it..



    New Blog

    Posted by efung on 17th of Apr 2008 at 11:36 pm

    This new blog is GREAT

    There's NOTHING wrong with it

    Matt, I greatly appreciate the effort, time & money you have devoted to this blog

    Please DO NOT spend any more time or effort than is necessary on this blog so you can

    CONCENTRATE your efforts on the   FIRST PRIORITY   of this site(  & THE MAIN REASON I



    Regarding the BLOG, I can

    Posted by matt on 17th of Apr 2008 at 11:19 pm

    Regarding the BLOG, I can call the programmer replace anything in a couple minutes, you guys have to tell me what yo don't like etc.  I still consider this a BETA version, however the only way to really test it out is to go live with it now.  Thanks and you know that I'm only trying to make it better.  Again I need feedback telling me  you don't like the new blog doesn't help me, you need to say what you are having problems with. thanks. 


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