
    Posted by ptbouras on 6th of Jun 2008 at 02:50 pm

    matt saw your post on csco and that you sold at 200 ma. that's well and good for someone who can buy 100s of shares...but not for the little man who can only get 110 shares. It was a little bit discouraging to me to see that....sorry.

    ptbouras - its true, it

    Posted by Michael on 6th of Jun 2008 at 03:09 pm

    ptbouras - its true, it is more difficult to trade with less capital, for various reasons.  Transactuion costs are a higher percentage of trades, and tactically, its like fighting a war with a platoon instead of a batallion.  In this, trading is no different from any other business -- it is easier the better capitalized you are.  But you can adjust your tactics to suit your situation and still be successful.  And it can still be valuable to learn how people with more capital are trading.  People do start out small and accumulate big amounts of money.  It does happen.  It is harder, no question. 

    ptbouras - I didn't have that

    Posted by matt on 6th of Jun 2008 at 02:55 pm

    ptbouras - I didn't have that much CSCO, besides it's a very liquid stock, I'm not that big like doc :). CSCO trades 50 million a day and if you think I can move it you give me too much credit :)

    I mentioned on the chart when I originally posted that the 200 MA was overhead and to be aware of it. When the market is at resistance and overbought, I don't go long and heavy in stocks, I still go long but I'm much more cautious about it.

    Because of the way the market moves you have to manage your own positions and learn what style of trading suits you best.


    Posted by ptbouras on 6th of Jun 2008 at 03:10 pm


    Posted by ptbouras on 6th of Jun 2008 at 03:12 pm

    did not mean to imply that you made it move!! yes, we're our own money managers...just disappointed it didn't make it higher at the same time this is a horrendous drop in the mkt which probably accounts for alot of its drop. hanging on


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