SSO 5' Mech Sys

    Posted by jd111 on 5th of Aug 2009 at 10:53 am

    I have the Mech Systems automated in Tradestation.  SSO triggered a short a little while ago...and of course it rejected it.  So I have to go long SDS manually.  Question: in Tradestation is it possible in easylanguage to get a trigger on one stock and then buy/short another?

    Did Tradestation reject your order

    Posted by algyros on 5th of Aug 2009 at 11:13 am

    Did Tradestation reject your order because it had no shares of SSO to short, or for some other reason?

    TS rejected my SSO short

    Posted by pthoreson on 5th of Aug 2009 at 11:50 am

    TS rejected my SSO short this morning, "Reg SHO. Security not easy to borrow". In other words, they don't want to try borrowing it and probably won't unless you are a large institutional client. TS seems to be among the worst in terms of being able to short the ETF's. Given the chances the markets may decline significantly, shorting the long ETF's is a better strategy. You eliminate the time decay from volatility and reduce counter party risk. I may be looking for another broker which will at least try to borrow the shares to short. I like TS, but this is one big drawback.

    SSO 5' Mech Sys

    Posted by mamaduck on 5th of Aug 2009 at 11:12 am

    I have developed some code to do this. You need to have your primary symbol in sub-graph 2 and the symbol you want to buy in the 1st sub-chart. However, this does not allow EOD close, since in cross sub-chart strategies, inter-bar calculation is not allowed. I am still working on this.

    Another approach is to have two separate charts, and use global variables from the first chart to send the buy/sell signal to the second chart (which must be a tick chart). I did not like that approach very much so I have not pursued it.

    pm me if you have any questions.

    Trading Alchemy sells a strategy

    Posted by Michael on 5th of Aug 2009 at 11:04 am

    Trading Alchemy sells a strategy for TS that will buy one symbol on a crossover trigger from another.  I haven't tried it but assume it works.


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