Posted by mamaduck on 30th of Jul 2009 at 09:57 am

    Matt, MOT gapped up this morning so naturally we did not take it... and it seems to have found support around 7.26 area... Would you still buy it should it go to 7? Of if that happens, the chances are it is going to fill its gap from yesterday's close? TIA

    Yes when stocks gap up

    Posted by matt on 30th of Jul 2009 at 12:00 pm

    Yes when stocks gap up way above their breakpoints, we pass on the trades.  We try to buy as close to the breakpoint as possible and don't chase gaps; unless they are breakaway gaps and MOT is not a breakaway gap.

    now as far as taking a Shot at or close to $7, yes that would be an objective Long trade, but with a tight stop just a little below $7.  So I hope this answers your question.

    Title: 15' gap rule Would you

    Posted by jd111 on 30th of Jul 2009 at 12:33 pm
    Title: 15' gap rule


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