jobs #


    Posted by dylan398 on 4th of Jun 2008 at 02:31 pm

    normally I'd agree but the ADP # has been a good representative #

    Matt,   in regards to the triangles

    Posted by tonygrusso on 4th of Jun 2008 at 02:46 pm



    in regards to the triangles you were talking about. if you remember last time there was a headfake last time in march where the market broke to the downside and then reversed to the get everyone involved on the wrong side of the market..just my do you avoid that? thanks

    tonygrusso - I said it could

    Posted by matt on 4th of Jun 2008 at 03:13 pm

    tonygrusso - I said it could go either way, break to the upside or break down. The Nasdaq, NDX, and RUT are strong. Again respect the direction they break. Also per your question, nothing is certain and you can get false breaks either way nothing set in stone in technical analysis, that's why they call it an art instead of a science.


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