no there is no crystal

    California vs Texas

    Posted by matt on 12th of Jul 2009 at 11:56 am


    no there is no crystal ball of course.  quite simply, the long term charts tell us that's the most likely analysis i.e. that this is a bear market rally instead of a bull market.  Could they be wrong, sure they can, but the probability favors a bear market rally instead.  Technical analysis is about probabilities, not certainties

    matt -- bullbull was asking

    Posted by Michael on 12th of Jul 2009 at 12:05 pm

    matt -- bullbull was asking how we can be so certainabout another leg down -- and you hit the nail on the head -- we are NOT certain that there will be another leg down -- but we ARE certain that the PROBABILITY is that there will be another leg down..  And we trade on probabilities.


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