
    California vs Texas

    Posted by jcomptonod on 11th of Jul 2009 at 08:48 pm

    I suspect that you have an interest in technical analysis or you probably wouldn't have found us.  Not everybody on this site is a day trader.  Many of us are swing or longer position traders.  I've got to say  that the longer you trade the more you tend to move to shorter time frames, however.  But, no matter. You've stumbled on to the best site on the net.  I will warn you that if you open your mind  you will increase your knowledge 5 fold or more within a few months.  Matt and Steve are two of the finest technicians around.

    Start reviewing the newsletters and intra week updates.  You'll start learning immediately.  Pay up for your subscription and  then hang around like many of us have.  Start learning how to really make money in the market.  You can ignore the day trading for now,  just start learning.

     ps- just so you know, there are also a lot of day traders here, that make a lot of money.  

    all the best,



    bullbull's mind

    Posted by junkmaylbox on 12th of Jul 2009 at 12:04 am

    John said it politely, but let me be more explicit in what we see. You try to denigrade those able ones who can day trade by making yourself right about impossibility of day trading. You try to disparage the fundamentals that are underneath the action of the market because you don't see or don't believe it. You try to make a noise because ... let me guess .. cannot trade with profits. This action is very mechanical and it comes from your mind, which is a computing machine that keeps asking questions for the sake of questions. It is programmed that way. Mind makes an excellent slave and a lousy master. Your choices are : to keep being a slave to your mind and face public ridicule, or shut the f***ker up and try to look for yourself without its help. Only if you are capable of the latter you could survive as a trader and be accepted by this site. Good luck!


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