
    California vs Texas

    Posted by rgoodwin on 11th of Jul 2009 at 05:45 pm

    OKAY BULLBULL - I just saw 3 consecutive posts from you, each of which is proclaiming the risks of DayTrading - and I think at least two of them discuss "guessing" about trades to take.

    Well, you have not been on this blog very long, and I have no idea what your trading experience is. But trading - whether it be day trading, swing trading, or long term, um, investing, should not involve a level of risk one cannot afford, and it certainly should not invlove GUESSING of any degree.

    Trading has science attached to it - if you trade from a TA perspective. If you trade based on fundamentals - that's a different kind of science so you need to determine how you prefer to trade. guess one could maybe do a combination - I don;t know - I don't do much FUNDY research.

    I assure you that even as a realatively new trader (less than 2 years) I have been able to learn and hone my skills all while continuing to increase my portfolio. And I would venture an educated comment that the vast majority of the people on this site also make money. I don;t think there are any traders here that simply GUESS at what their next trade will be. Are there risks - YES. But you should be trading only with funds you can afford to put at risk. And you need to have a PLAN before you ever put anyting on a trade.

    I wonder if the article you posted and then the follow up comments, are not somehow a cry for help on your part.? If you need some help learning - please just ask for it. I personally hate it when folks want to tell us of all the BAD things that can hapen to you as a trader. Making money at trading also is much easier when one maintains and truly believes in a positive result from his/her trades. If you are going to trade when at the very start, you belive "MOST PEOPLE LOSE MONEY", I assure you - YOU will be in that category of people. This is not because you don't have winning trades, but such a mindset makes you take unnecessary trades, unnecessary losses, and then you fail to let winners actually make you some money. Losses are part of trading and you must know they will exist. But gains are also part of trading and plenty of those happen as well. YOu have to learn how each should be treated in your trading style or mentality. The only people I have heard that have been wiped out or lost a lot of money are: 

    1. Those traders who failed to have a plan and gain skill and knowledeg and 2. Those folks that left their money sitting in a mutual fund and waited for it to shrink by 50% before they finally threw in the towel.

    We are all here to help you bullbull. Sign up and become a member and you'll likely discover, articles and negative commentary about traders are rather useless at BPT.  Best of luck to you. BPT is the best trading community on the web and I encourage you to spend a few pennies for your membership and learn why.


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