bullbull -  actually most of the

    Day Trading

    Posted by matt on 6th of Jul 2009 at 08:47 pm


    bullbull -  actually most of the members on this website work jobs are are NOT day traders.  However obviously many of the posts during the intra  day are obviously related to intra day market conditions like 5 min, 15 min charts etc, and that makes since, it's intra day.  If you work a day job, then igore the day trade posts, etc. After market hrs like the evenings and weekends, day trading is not the topic, people discuss all sorts of things, swing trade ideas, news items, etc. However most people here work a job.  Most of the trade ideas presented in the watch list section are put there with potential to be swing trades, i.e. MON has been on the list since June 1st, and sometimes a stock will be held for a couple months. 


    And if you listened to the newsletter last night, I discussed in depth the big picture analysis and macro trends.  One point I want to make is that I have quite a few members who don't even trade at all..they use our long term and intermediate term analysis to manage their 401K plans at their job i.e make a few well timed moves in their 401K each year.  Most of the members who fit this category pulled their money out of mutual funds and into cash money market accounts either in late 2007 or early 2008, and thus saved the 40% - 50% declines that many of their co-workers suffered who stayed put in their mutual funds.   But again, the watch list is not about day trades, it is about swing trades, however once in a while swing trading does not work very well, such as from mid May through June when the market trading in a very sideways consolidation pattern; swing traders got chopped up, therefore it was best to take profits fairly quickly 1 - 3 days.  Market condiations change and are dynamic


    Breakpoint Trades has Day Traders, Swing Traders, and long term position traders.  If you are not a day trader, then simply ignore the day trade posts during the day, it's that simple, and igore the mechanical systems since they are day trade systems.  There is plently of information on this website for swing traders and long term traders. 


    Now regarding your question about myself, I'm just someone who has traded and studied Technical Analysis with a passion for years.  I have a degree in Chemistry and Mathematics and worked as a Research Chemist for 10 years in a laboratory.  However I found that my passion lied here with the charts and I think my Scientific background is a huge asset to my technical analysis.  Technical Analysis and trading in this sense is not something you go to college to learn.  I analqze all aspects of the market on all time frames, however I find that my long term to intermediate term analysis generally plays out very well - i.e. I'm good at forcasting major trends for the market. 


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