Bill - In all fairness the market opened up weak on Thursday and you had ample opportunity to close your short positions before the reversal occurred.  Yesterday's action may have also been influenced by T +3 (trade plus 3 day settlement) to spruce up quarterly prices. 

    We will do our best to post our outlook but we really don't want to get in the business of attempting to predict "day to day" stock prices.

    I hear ya Steve, and

    Posted by billrosen on 26th of Jun 2009 at 09:20 am

    I hear ya Steve, and I am not suggesting you guys try and pick every move, but I would rather position myself long, short or in cash for the next trading day, based on what you and Matt are thinking, rather than what I am thinking, just because you are both better traders than me...I think that is the single hardest thing to do as a trader is decide what to do at the end of each day.

    end of day

    Posted by dallassteve on 26th of Jun 2009 at 09:54 am

    Matt and Steve,

    I think we are all interested in your thinking towards the end of the day.  Maybe you are reluctant to post what you are trading as we might interpret that as trading advice.  I have noticed that you post whenever you see clear divergence, etc., and that is greatly appreciated.

    One of my accounts is under 25K, so I cannot day trade.  Same thing for my IRAs. Sometimes I like to take a position at the end of the day and then I am free to sell it at the beginning of the next day, or hold on to it.  I wonder if others do the same.  Comments, anyone?

    Also at the end of the day you must be making many decisions of your own and may not be able to post.  I assume that what I am paying for is your nightly commentary and I should not expect you to hold my hand during trading hours.  Any help during the day is just icing on the cake.

    That being said, if you had posted that you were buying AEM two days ago at the close, I would have done the same because I was following the movement in gold.  But my timing is not as good as yours.  After the gap up, I decided not to chase it.  Just one personal example.


    end of day

    Posted by ptbouras on 26th of Jun 2009 at 10:04 am

    dallasteve..I am of the same mind...same amt in account. could use more help. would like too to know when matt or rp or steve are entering a trade...then the decision is mine on whether to follow or not. maybe they're not allowed to...don't know.

    No problem Bill - keep

    Posted by dodgerdog on 26th of Jun 2009 at 09:31 am

    No problem Bill - keep up the good work.


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