regarding the systems

    Posted by matt on 11th of Jun 2009 at 04:17 pm

    Yes systems getting chopped up here a little.  It has to do with the market action.


    SRS 15 min system did not trigger, however the other SRS system did as well as the SKF, which all lost some.  Their profit curves look fine for now, but when you system trade, you have days like this.   However on the good side, none of the systems have had huge losing days, only minor 1 - 2.5% losses, and if you look at the stats, they can have days where they lose 10% or more in a day, so it's not bad.


    Anyway regarding the FAZ systems, I'm looking for a smaller time frame system than the 15 min ones because they are too slow to respond to intra day movements, I'm doing some scans now.  If I find something interesting, I'll post it in the Premium Content section. 

      I found two new FAZ

    Posted by matt on 11th of Jun 2009 at 07:56 pm


    I found two new FAZ systems, I will try to post them tonight, however I might not be able to since testing takes a while.  However I will be adding them to the Premium Content Reference table either tonight or the weekend, but I want to do some more testing on them so might just wait until the weekend.

    Matt I continue to belive

    Posted by hornsant on 11th of Jun 2009 at 04:28 pm

    Matt I continue to belive that in such a tight range it is very difficult for the mechs, it is not the sistem's is the chop chop mkt.


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