
    Posted by hornsant on 9th of Jun 2009 at 09:49 am

    There are two bond auctions, starting Wednesday with the 10s, the result of that auction will set the tone for yields and the mkt going forward in the short term. 


    Posted by curtis on 9th of Jun 2009 at 09:59 am

    Have been seeing a lot about that on Fast Money the last couple weeks.  There is an auction of 19 bil. worth of 10 yr. bonds tomorrow, and the same amount of 30 yr. bonds on Thursday.  They expect the 2 year bonds to sell well today, but have doubts if the longer term bond auctions will be a success, if foreign central banks will step in and buy them, and the market would sell off if those 2 auctions on Wed. and Thur. are a disaster.  The Fed meets in a couple weeks for 2 days, and they may buy treasuries again like they did a few months ago if that happens, doubt they'll raise rates.


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